Federal agencies can provide insight into their priorities for future programs through their strategic plans. This compilation provides links to those plans, highlights some key areas, and describes how these align with the college research priorities.

USDA Science and Research Strategy, 2023-2026

This plan, released in May 2023, outlines five priority areas. The priority areas are broad in name, but the plan details more specific objectives and strategies under each, giving us some valuable insight into how the USDA will be framing existing and new funding opportunities. The plan is released by the Office for Research, Education, and Economics, which includes the capacity and competitive funding agency, National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), as well as the Agricultural Research Service (ARS), Economic Research Service (ERS), and the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). 

We invite you to explore the plan, diving into the objectives of priority areas where you find your research may be relevant. Reading between the lines, we can see where USDA has identified significant gaps that should be addressed and which they will prioritize in funding. Below each priority area are the related College Research Priorities to see the alignment.

Priority Areas

  1. Accelerating Innovative Technologies and Practices
    • Applied Evolution
    • Emerging and Advanced Technology
    • Climate-Smart
  2. Driving Climate-Smart Solutions
    • Applied Evolution
    • Emerging and Advanced Technology
    • Climate-Smart
  3. Bolstering Nutrition Security and Health
    • Applied Evolution
    • Emerging and Advanced Technology
    • Emerging Contaminants
  4. Cultivating Resilient Ecosystems
    • Applied Evolution
    • Emerging Contaminants
    • Climate-Smart
  5. Translating Research into Action
    • Emerging Contaminants
    • Industry Engagement

View USDA Science and Research Strategy, 2023-2026

National Science Foundation 2022-2026 Strategic Plan

This plan outlines strategic goals for investments as well as the operations of the NSF. The plan aligns with the National Science Board Vision 2030 report, which emphasizes key strategies that can play to the strengths of the College of Agricultural Sciences. For instance, there is a focus on "delivering benefits from research" (broader impacts in NSF terms, including applied research), developing STEM talent" (workforce development), "expanding the geography of innovation, and leading globally by cultivating a global science and engineering community based on shared values and strategic cooperation."

Other key themes that are found throughout the plan that align with the college's research priorities are the emphasis on climate research, integrating research and education, broadening participation in science and engineering, and building stronger collaborations and partnerships spanning academia, industry, nonprofits, and state and local governments.

All five College Research Priorities align with the NSF strategic objectives.

Read the full NSF Strategic Plan, 2022-2026

Office for Research and Graduate Education


217 Agricultural Administration Building
University Park, PA 16802

Office for Research and Graduate Education


217 Agricultural Administration Building
University Park, PA 16802