The Early Achievement in Research Award recognizes early-career faculty—either tenure-track or non-tenure track holding the rank of Assistant and within the first 6 years of their research career within CAS at Penn State—who have demonstrated an impressive level of independent achievement (e.g., extramural funding, publications, intellectual property, collaborative research, etc.) in their career, including prior work as a graduate student and postdoc, through extraordinary accomplishments, service, and leadership both internal and external to the college and university.
Who can submit a nomination for this award?
- Anyone can nominate an early-career faculty member for this award. Self-nominations are also permitted.
- In cases where multiple nominations for faculty in a single department are submitted, the department head will be asked to down select the nominations to a single candidate per department to move forward in the review process.
Eligibility Requirements
- Tenure-track and non-tenure-track faculty with the rank of Assistant
- Must be within the first 6 years of their faculty appointment
- Must have primary appointment in the College of Agricultural Sciences
Nomination Requirements
Nomination Letter
- Upload a unified PDF of the nomination package, including the following
- Letter of nomination, including a summary statement of the relevance and importance of the contributions made by the nominee. Career accomplishments may also include prior work as a graduate student and postdoc.
- The nominee's curriculum vitae.
- Upload a unified PDF of the nomination package, including the following
Letters of Recommendation (optional)
- You may also request up to two (2) additional letters of recommendation from colleagues.
- Please notify the letter writers that they will receive the request for letters via the InfoReady system.
- You will be able to view the reference letters once they are submitted. Upon submitting your nomination, your reference letter writers will receive an email containing a unique link to a web page where reference letters may be uploaded.
- You may also request up to two (2) additional letters of recommendation from colleagues.
Nomination Deadline
Recent Recipients
2024 Early Achievement in Research Award

2023 Early Achievement in Research Award

2022 Early Achievement in Research Award

Office for Research and Graduate Education
217 Agricultural Administration BuildingUniversity Park, PA 16802-2600
- Email
- Office 814-865-3136
Office for Research and Graduate Education
217 Agricultural Administration BuildingUniversity Park, PA 16802-2600
- Email
- Office 814-865-3136