Technologies for Agriculture and Living Systems

What if emerging and advanced technologies for agricultural production could also be instrumental in natural resource conservation and community health?

A new vision for twenty-first century agroecosystems

The College of Agricultural Sciences envisions a future where emerging and advanced technologies are integral to establishing sustainable and resilient agricultural systems that are interconnected with the broader living systems that support them. These systems range from forests, wetlands, and waterways to the ecological biodiversity of plants, insects, and animals and the resiliency of rural and urban communities.

Technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, precision ag, remote sensing, geospatial intelligence, gene editing, and augmented reality can improve our ability to monitor and manage not only production and access to food but also biodiversity and natural resources and human health and well-being.

The Technologies for Agriculture and Living Systems initiative is a unique, holistic approach. It addresses the complex challenges of climate volatility, limited resource availability, biodiversity losses, and social and economic shifts within our communities. With this initiative, we:

  • Acknowledge that agricultural and living systems are interconnected and that we must balance production with conservation.
  • Recognize that the development and application of technologies cannot be removed from the challenges of adoption, policy, accessibility, affordability, and security.
  • Embrace the diversity of our state's agricultural and natural resource sectors. Specifically, reinforce Pennsylvania as the nation's laboratory for living systems and our role as a preferred partner for testing and formalizing the integration of technologies across agriculture and living systems.
  • Share the breadth of our expertise in research, education, and extension to help make our state's industries more competitive and profitable.
  • Commit to bridging the gap between discovery and delivery by serving as an effective convener of diverse audiences across industry, stakeholders, academia, and government to address complex issues.

Be a part of this vision.

The College of Agricultural Sciences is committed to our role as Pennsylvania's land-grant institution by organizing and leading this statewide initiative in the development and application of emerging and advanced technologies to support healthy farms, cities, forests, and waters in Pennsylvania and across the world. This initiative builds on 150 years of bringing diverse stakeholders into conversation to balance the advancement of our state's industries with a dedicated effort to also protect our precious natural resources and ensure the endurance of our living systems for future generations.

As we build this initiative, we invite partners from within and beyond the University to join us in realizing this vision for twenty-first century agroecosystems. We will be hosting the "Technologies for Agriculture and Living Systems Symposium" on May 7-8, 2024, at the University Park campus.

Latest News

May 21, 2024

Technology in agriculture initiative kicks off with collaborative symposium

Attendees from within and beyond the University recently convened at Penn State for the Technologies for Agriculture and Living Systems Symposium, where they had the opportunity to learn about current research, share ideas for collaboration, and grow networks.

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April 12, 2024

'Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool' to digitize crop nutrient management

A nationwide team of agricultural scientists, including researchers at Penn State, has launched a decision aid that provides an unbiased, science-based interpretation of soil test phosphorus and potassium values for crop fertilization, with an eye toward potentially saving farmers millions of dollars annually while reducing excess nutrient losses to the environment.

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March 19, 2024

Novel method to measure root depth may lead to more resilient crops

As climate change worsens global drought conditions, hindering crop production, the search for ways to capture and store atmospheric carbon causing the phenomenon has intensified. Penn State researchers have developed a new high-tech tool that could spur changes in how crops withstand drought, acquire nitrogen and store carbon deeper in soil.

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February 28, 2024

Penn State College of Ag Sciences seeks partners for statewide tech initiative

Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences invites collaborators from within and beyond the University to join it as it embarks on a new initiative focused on leveraging emerging and advanced technologies to support sustainable and resilient agricultural systems and the broader living systems that support them.

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Office for Research and Graduate Education


217 Agricultural Administration Building
University Park, PA 16802-2600