The Research Advisory Committee (RAC) to the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education (ADR) provides faculty-driven advice to the ADR and serves as the liaison between the department research faculty and the Office for Research and Graduate Education, Office of Grants and Contracts, and the Agricultural Experiment Station. The RAC serves as an advisory and consultative body to inform the ADR on decisions regarding policy implementation, allocations, and other matters related to the college research ecosystem as they arise.
Committee Membership
The RAC to the ADR consists of College of Agricultural Sciences faculty from all Tenure and Non-Tenure Track ranks holding a primary research-oriented position. In addition, faculty representation from non-UP locations will be solicited from the Office for Research and Graduate Education.
Initially, the members of the committee will be appointed on staggered term limits to provide continuity on the committee. Thereafter, each member will serve a two-year term.
A committee chair will be named to represent the collective view of the committee and will serve a one-year term. A chair-elect will be named for a one-year term to recording actions and decisions of the committee and will assume the role as committee chair for the following year.
Committee Meetings
The RAC holds quarterly meetings at a time when a majority of the membership can convene, proxy attendance will not be required. In addition, the RAC meets ad hoc as needs arise by either RAC membership or the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education.
The meetings are held to facilitate communication between and among faculty and administrative offices on matters of importance to research and college faculty. Discussions will focus on topics that aid in decision-making to address the needs within the college to advance research – resources, support, infrastructure, programming, and awards.
- strategic research initiatives and policies
- core facility needs and/or improvements
- enhancement of college infrastructure for research
- internal grant opportunities, awards, and reviews
- feedback on pre- and post-award tools and services
- metrics for allocations (i.e., Federal appropriations, graduate assistantship and tuition funds)
- engagement and increasing of interdisciplinary activity
- professional development of new and continuing faculty – i.e., grantsmanship assistance; navigation through Penn State policy, procedures, and pertinent offices
- review nominations for College and University research honors
- review internal grant proposals
- general feedback on matters that affect the research enterprise
The current RAC consists of 11 faculty members across all Tenure and Non-Tenure Track ranks holding a primary research-oriented position. Members are nominated by Department Heads and are selected from those nominations to assure that the constitution of membership is representative of the college faculty body.
Office for Research and Graduate Education
217 Agricultural Administration BuildingUniversity Park, PA 16802-2600
- Email
- Office 814-865-3136
Office for Research and Graduate Education
217 Agricultural Administration BuildingUniversity Park, PA 16802-2600
- Email
- Office 814-865-3136