Office for Research and Graduate Education
217 Agricultural Administration Building 
University Park, PA 16802-2600
Telephone: 814-865-3136

  • Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education
  • Director of the Pennsylvania Agricultural Experiment Station
  • Assistant Dean for Graduate Education
  • Associate Director of the Pennsylvania Agricultural State Experiment Station
  • Professor of Vegetable Pathology

Areas of Expertise

  • Integrated vegetable disease management
  • Plant pathogen diagnosis
  • Disease monitoring and forecasting
  • Sustainable crop production
  • Director of Research Development and Initiatives

Areas of Expertise

  • Provide strategic leadership and consultation for the development and sustainability of interdisciplinary teams
  • Provide proposal development and project management services to investigators preparing complex research proposals for submission to external sponsors
  • Support faculty and early stage investigators in improving their grantsmanship skills and developing interdisciplinary projects
  • Assist faculty members, trainees, and staff in navigating the Penn State research support infrastructure
  • Serve as a referral resource for investigators, facilitating access to institutional resources, connecting researchers with appropriate offices and staff, and matching research needs with faculty expertise
  • Facilitate conversations across groups to develop strategic directions for growth/development/collaboration in building a research initiative
  • Administrative Support Assistant for the Office of Research and Graduate Education

Areas of Expertise

  • Research Development & Initiatives Support
  • College of Agricultural Sciences Internal Research Awards Management
  • Agricultural Experiment Station (AES) Projects Management
  • Administrative Support Assistant for the Office for Research and Graduate Education

Areas of Expertise

  • Graduate Education
  • Administrative Support Assistant for the Office of Research and Graduate Education

Office for Research and Graduate Education


217 Agricultural Administration Building
University Park, PA 16802-2600

Office for Research and Graduate Education


217 Agricultural Administration Building
University Park, PA 16802-2600