Climate-Smart Agricultural Systems
Adapting to a changing climate and performing responsibly
Our researchers are finding balanced solutions to sustain a growing global population. Their research seeks to effectively reduce the emissions from agricultural production while also increasing resilience and adaptability to both volatile and enduring environmental shifts.
Employing Multisource Data for Precise Improvements
Refining Fertilizer Applications
Site-specific recommendations for fertilizer provide balanced solutions for farmers.

Using Water More Efficiently
Precision irrigation technology can conserve water and improve crop quality and yield.

Reducing Agricultural Emissions
Innovative cover crop strategies can help organic growers minimize greenhouse gas leaks.

Customizing Ecosystem Services
"Farm tuning" cover crops for soil and climatic conditions can improve plant, soil health.—

Applying Evolutionary Mechanisms to Improve Resilience
Deploying Natural Defenses
Discovery of how insects trick plant defenses can guide management tactics.

Finding Natural Biocontrols
Better knowledge of plant defenses against pests could reduce pesticide use.

Breeding for Adaptation
Boosting flavonoids in sorghum roots may lead to frost-resistant crops.

Enhancing Pathogen Tolerance
Studying genetic differences to understand how plant diversity can aid in disease tolerance.

Sustainably increasing productivity and efficiency
Developing Competitive Products
Organic soybean producers can be both ecofriendly and competitive using little or no tillage

Cutting Methane Emissions
Finding safe, affordable, and beneficial ways to reduce the carbon footprint of producing milk

Increasing Yields and Incomes
Cacao provides an alternative to illicit production of coca for Colombian farmers

Improving Dairy Cow Health
Spicing up the diets of transition dairy cows has been shown to improve their health

Using natural defenses to improve resilience
Improving Soybean Yield
"Scaring" soybeans into defense mode yields better plants a generation later

Protecting Against Biotic Stressors
Insect-deterring sorghum compounds may be eco-friendly pesticide

Managing Mushroom Pests
Tackling mushroom phorid fly infestations with a multipronged biocontrol approach

Controlling Destructive Pests
A common soil fungus can help corn growers control insect pests naturally

Breeding Resilient Crops
Novel use of laser technology paves way for future precision breeding

Office for Research and Graduate Education
217 Agricultural Administration BuildingUniversity Park, PA 16802-2600
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- Office 814-865-3136