RAIN Grants Program

RAIN: Research Applications for INnovation

One idea could change the lives of millions. That’s why the College of Agricultural Sciences supports its researchers in transforming their ideas into market-ready products and services.

The Research Applications for INnovation (RAIN) grants program provides researchers with a source of competitive funds to transition the technologies generated through research into products that improve lives.

Since 2013, more than $1.2 million in RAIN grants has supported 21 projects that demonstrate commercial promise. RAIN grants, specifically, provide financial support that enables researchers to refine and strengthen their technologies and promotes the creation and advancement of this intellectual property from the College of Agricultural Sciences toward commercial applications.

Ultimately, RAIN grants help to stimulate economic development through the transfer of technologies to the marketplace. Faculty interested in submitting a grant proposal should review the RAIN RFP for additional details.

Office for Research and Graduate Education


217 Agricultural Administration Building
University Park, PA 16802-2600