SNIP is intended to encourage faculty-driven ideas; however, we understand that sometimes it is hard to know what may or may not be competitive in the current funding landscape. With that in mind, we have compiled additional information as a part of this RFP release (posted separately online) to provide overviews of college and federal agency priorities so that applicants may use these as inspiration to frame their proposed initiative in the context of these identified challenges.
The Office for Research and Graduate Education has identified five topic areas to promote and help guide faculty efforts toward a competitive extramural proposal. To identify these, we take a comprehensive look at the college’s portfolio and examine the strengths in the context of the current funding landscape. Across these five areas of existing and aspirational strengths of the college, we anticipate that there will be opportunities for funding large-scale proposals in the near future.
Federal agencies can provide insight into their priorities for future programs through their strategic plans. This compilation provides links to those plans, highlights some key areas, and describes how these align with the college research priorities.
Office for Research and Graduate Education
217 Agricultural Administration BuildingUniversity Park, PA 16802
- Email
- Office 814-865-3136
Office for Research and Graduate Education
217 Agricultural Administration BuildingUniversity Park, PA 16802
- Email
- Office 814-865-3136