Inhalable aerogel triggers immunity to COVID-19 in mice, may block transmission

March 17, 2022

An inhalable "aerogel" loaded with DNA that encodes for the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein successfully induces an immune response against COVID-19 in the lungs of mice, according to new research conducted at Penn State. The team said its aerogel could be used to create an inhalable vaccine that blocks SARS-CoV-2 transmission by preventing the virus from establishing an infection in the lungs.

Penn State establishes the Geroscience and Dementia Prevention Consortium

February 22, 2022

The overarching goal of the Penn State Geroscience and Dementia Prevention Consortium is to accelerate the scientific discoveries that will prevent or delay age-related neurodegeneration.

Children eat what they like, but food intake driven more by what they dislike

February 22, 2022

It is often said that “children eat what they like,” but the results of a new study by Penn State nutritionists and sensory scientists suggests that when it comes to meals, it is more accurate and more relevant to say, “children do not eat what they dislike.”

More intense roasting of cocoa beans lessens bitterness, boosts chocolate liking

February 22, 2022

Confection makers who want to develop products containing 100% chocolate and no sugar for health-conscious consumers can reduce bitterness and optimize flavor acceptance by roasting cocoa beans longer and at higher temperatures, according to a team of researchers.

Warming climate to result in reduced corn production; irrigation blunts effect

February 21, 2022

No matter which of the widely accepted global circulation models ultimately comes closest to predicting the amount of warming caused by climate change, corn production will be reduced, according to a new study by Penn State researchers.

Omicron detected for first time in white-tailed deer

February 21, 2022

Some white-tailed deer living in Staten Island, New York, are actively infected with the Omicron (B.1.1.529) variant of SARS-CoV-2, according to new research led by scientists at Penn State. The team also found neutralizing antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in one of the Omicron-infected deer, suggesting that, like humans, deer can be reinfected with the virus.

Colleagues mourn internationally renowned chemical ecologist James Tumlinson

February 16, 2022

Penn State's Department of Entomology, the College of Agricultural Sciences and the University community are mourning the loss of James H. Tumlinson, Ralph O. Mumma Professor of Entomology, who died Feb. 9 at the age of 83 after an extended illness.

World’s first gene editing tools for ticks may help decrease tick-borne diseases

February 15, 2022

Reducing tick-borne diseases, such as Lyme disease, may now be possible thanks to two new gene editing methods developed by researchers at Penn State; the University of Nevada, Reno; and the University of Maryland. The methods could allow scientists to alter parts of the tick genome that are involved in harboring and transmitting pathogens.

Study examines connection between availability of healthy food options, health

February 15, 2022

Limited availability of affordable and healthy foods can contribute to poor health outcomes, especially for residents of rural and low-income regions, according to an agricultural economist at Penn State who examined the food environment for residents in the Mississippi Delta, a region that has one of the highest obesity rates in the U.S.

Geneticists close to grasping how plant communities may adapt to climate change

February 8, 2022

A century after scientists first noted that the environment contributes to the evolution of adaptive differences among plant populations, scientists are on the verge of figuring out how that adaptation happens — by combining results from huge “common garden” experiments with genomic sequencing.

Soil tillage reduces availability of ‘longevity vitamin’ ergothioneine in crops

February 7, 2022

Soil tillage on farms may significantly reduce the availability in crops of ergothioneine, an amino acid produced by certain types of soil-borne fungi and bacteria that is known as a “longevity vitamin” due to its potent antioxidant properties, according to new research by an interdisciplinary team at Penn State.

Consumer support of food-waste solutions focus of agricultural economist's study

February 2, 2022

When it comes to reducing food waste, consumers most favor solutions that involve making food donations easier and establishing standards for food date labels. That is one finding of a study — among the first to examine support and perceived effectiveness for popular food waste solutions — led by an agricultural economist in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences.

Dope Labs podcast creators to host science communication workshops at Penn State

February 1, 2022

Dope Labs podcast creators and hosts Titi Shodiya and Zakiya Whatley will present Dope Labs Science Communication Week at Penn State, a four-day remote event that will introduce researchers to the broader science communication community and teach them to use social media, storytelling and a web presence to network with other scientists and engage with broad audiences. The event takes place Feb. 7-10.

EarthTalks: Tom Richard to discuss the path to a carbon-negative bioeconomy

January 27, 2022

Tom Richard, director of the Institutes of Energy and the Environment, will discuss how agriculture, food and forest systems can support a bioeconomy that reverses climate change during a talk at 4 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 31.

Ash trees may be more resilient to warming climate than previously believed

January 26, 2022

Since the 1990s, scientists have been predicting that North American tree species will disappear from portions of their ranges within the next 50 to 100 years because of projected changes in climate. A new study led by Penn State forest biologists found that when transplanted to warmer environments, ash trees can survive increased temperatures of 7 degrees Fahrenheit and sometimes even up to 18 degrees Fahrenheit, suggesting that these trees may be more resilient to climate warming than previously believed.

Five Penn State faculty named AAAS Fellows

January 26, 2022

Five Penn State faculty members in areas ranging from the ecology and evolution of fish and coral reef ecology to bone regeneration and intrinsically disordered proteins have been named fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the world's largest general scientific society. This year a total of 564 individuals are being recognized with this lifetime honor, bestowed by their peers, for their extraordinary achievements in advancing science.

Positive parenting and parenting satisfaction among Post-9/11 veteran fathers

January 25, 2022

A recent Penn State study with a large sample of post-9/11 veteran fathers examined factors that were associated with positive parenting.

Agroforests in the tropics provide key conservation landscapes for amphibians

January 25, 2022

Although tropical forest ecosystems around the world have been modified and fragmented by agroforests planted to produce commodities such as coffee, rubber and areca palm, amphibian communities can survive in those transformed landscapes — if the agroforests are managed to support biodiversity.

Penn State gets grant to teach private forest owners to adapt to climate change

January 21, 2022

Researchers in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences will use a newly awarded $1.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to work with 13 other land-grant universities in the eastern U.S. to create an education program that will help private forests owners adapt to and mitigate climate change.

Mining for knowledge: Scientists identify bee that can aid black cherry recovery

January 20, 2022

A ground-nesting bee family — commonly known as miner bees — could play a heightened role in rebuilding black cherry populations in Pennsylvania and beyond, according to Penn State entomologists who investigated pollinators’ contributions to the valuable hardwood species.

Students gain research, mentoring skills in Penn State-SFU collaboration

January 20, 2022

An innovative partnership between Penn State and Saint Francis University is enabling Penn State entomology graduate students to gain valuable mentoring skills, while Saint Francis undergraduates get research experience at a major land-grant research university.

USDA grant to support study at Penn State on antimicrobial tolerance in plants

January 19, 2022

Kevin Hockett, assistant professor of microbial ecology in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences, recently received a $682,500 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture to study bacterial control methods and their implications for disease prevention in plants.

Entomologists to study how climate change may influence pollinator stressors

January 17, 2022

A Penn State-led team of researchers will use a newly awarded $682,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Institute of Food and Agriculture to examine how climate change may influence and interact with various stressors that affect the health of pollinators.

Integrated modeling of climate impacts on electricity demand and cost

January 17, 2022

A team of researchers led by Penn State has developed a coupled water–power–economy model to capture how the impacts of climate-related water stress and temperature changes can cascade through energy systems.

Researchers use satellites to monitor bat habitat and study virus spillover

January 11, 2022

Penn State Eberly College of Science researchers use satellites to monitor bat habitat and study virus spillover events during a global pandemic.

Pa. pre-COVID jobs picture marked by resilience, industry-specific gains, losses

January 7, 2022

Pennsylvania's labor economy showed resilience throughout the first two decades of the 21st century, with overall modest employment growth and relatively low joblessness by the end of 2019. But certain industry sectors and regions of the state continued along a trend line of job loss in the run-up to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to economists in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences.

Research suggests foliar fungicides help increase soybean yield in some regions

January 6, 2022

While previous studies have shown little economic benefit associated with using foliar fungicides in soybean as a preventive measure, new research aided by a Penn State plant pathologist suggests otherwise, especially in southern regions.

'Growing Impact' podcast talks biofiltration, greenhouse gas emissions

January 5, 2022

The latest episode of the "Growing Impact" podcast features a seed grant project that investigates how biofiltration could reduce greenhouse gas emissions, specifically methane and carbon dioxide.

Dairy farmers can adapt to climate change

January 5, 2022

Dairy farmers in the Northeast — facing a warming climate that exacerbates nutrient pollution but lengthens the growing season — can reduce the environmental impact of their operations and maximize revenues by double cropping and injecting manure into the soil, rather than broadcasting it.

Honeydew contaminated with systemic insecticides threatens beneficial insects

January 3, 2022

Neonicotinoids and other systemic insecticides can contaminate honeydew, which is an important food source for beneficial insects in agroecosystems, according to an international team of researchers who conducted a review of the scientific literature.  

Office for Research and Graduate Education


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University Park, PA 16802-2600

Office for Research and Graduate Education


217 Agricultural Administration Building
University Park, PA 16802-2600