This grant opportunity is being offered to support forestry-related research.

This grant opportunity is being offered to support forestry research that includes investigations relating to:

  • reforestration and management of land for the production of timber and other related products of the forest;
  • management of forest and related watershed lands to improve conditions of water flow and to protect resources against floods and erosion;
  • management of forest and related rangeland for production of forage for domestic livestock and game and improvement of food and habitat for wildlife;
  • management of forest lands for outdoor recreation;
  • protection of forest land and resources against fire, insects, diseases, or other destructive agents;
  • utilization of wood and other forest products;
  • development of sound policies for management of forest lands and the harvesting and marketing of forest products; and
  • such other studies as may be necessary to obtain the fullest and most effective use of forest resources.

Submission Deadline

An electronic version of the proposal should be submitted via Infoready by Sunday, July 14, 2024 (11:59 pm).

McIntire-Stennis RFP

Please review this McIntire-Stennis RFP for additional details.

2025-2026 McIntire-Stennis RFP - FINAL.pdf

PDF document, 273.2 KB

Office for Research and Graduate Education


217 Agricultural Administration Building
University Park, PA 16802

Office for Research and Graduate Education


217 Agricultural Administration Building
University Park, PA 16802