Training for farmers market vendors helps to improve food safety practices

Image credit: Bigstock

Image credit: Bigstock


What can be done to help improve food safety at the more than 84,000 farmers markets in the nation?

  • Since 2008, seven major foodborne illness outbreaks and two recalls have occurred with food products from farmers markets.
  • As farmers markets have increased in size and complexity in the kinds of foods sold, so have food safety risks.


Researchers assessed samples of leafy green produce and meat sold at farmers markets in Pennsylvania and found microbiological hazards such as Listeria and E. coli.


Researchers created an app for smartphones to be used in place of traditional clipboards to improve the quality of data collection related to food safety observations. They also developed a curriculum for Penn State Extension to train farmers market vendors in food safety. A reduction of just 1 percent in the 1,280 cases per year of foodborne illness in Pennsylvania could bring about $20,000 in health care cost savings yearly.

Research Credit


Participating Departments

Federal and State Appropriations

  • USDA NIFA Hatch Multistate Project PEN04666, Accession #1017568

Emerging Discoveries

Published Research

Prevalence and phylogenetic characterization of Escherichia coli and hygiene indicator bacteria isolated from leafy green produce, beef, and pork obtained from farmers' markets in Pennsylvania

Office for Research and Graduate Education


217 Agricultural Administration Building
University Park, PA 16802-2600

Office for Research and Graduate Education


217 Agricultural Administration Building
University Park, PA 16802-2600