The Interdisciplinary Research Team Award recognizes an interdisciplinary team that has demonstrated a noteworthy record (i.e., publications, grants, workshops, etc.) of collaboration to address significant, grand challenges facing agriculture, the environment, or society. Collaborative teams must consist of at least three faculty (with a minimum of two having research appointments) representing a diversity of disciplinary expertise. Teams may self-nominate or be nominated.

Who can submit a nomination for this award?

  • Anyone can nominate a team for this award. Self-nominations are permitted and welcomed.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Collaborative teams must consists of at least three faculty (tenured, tenure-track, and non-tenure track) with a minimum of two faculty having research appointments in the College of Agricultural Sciences.
  • Collaborative teams must represent a diversity of disciplinary expertise in the college.

Nomination Requirements

Nomination Letter

  • Provide a nomination letter (2-page maximum) that addresses the following criteria:
    • What is the central research question(s) or scientific goal(s) that bring(s) the team together?
    • Describe the significance and potential impact of the research
    • How and when did your team form (what was the motivating factor)? Has the team evolved since it was initially formed?
    • What are the innovative strategies, tools, or methods you have employed to advance team collaboration?
    • How has your team responded to any challenges, setbacks, or barriers in working collaboratively?

Evidence of Teamwork

  • Provide a team CV that outlines evidence of team collaboration in outputs, including but not limited to the following:
    • Publications (can be at any stage that involve at least three of the team members)
    • Organized research events or activities (workshops, symposia, speaker series, etc.)
    • Shared mentoring of graduate students or postdocs
    • Extramural funding proposals

Nomination Deadline

Friday, September 16, 2022


Office for Research and Graduate Education


217 Agricultural Administration Building
University Park, PA 16802

Office for Research and Graduate Education


217 Agricultural Administration Building
University Park, PA 16802