The WEARE initiative offers short-term training and workshops related to gender-integrated research and outreach for a variety of organizations, such as USAID Innovation Labs, the CGIAR Research Centers, and NGOs such as Oxfam America. These trainings are designed to be tailored to the organization's needs, highly participatory and interactive. If you are interested in partnering to provide gender training for your organization, please contact us.
As part of the WEARE initiative, we are highly invested in educational development in the areas of gender and agriculture at Penn State. We also support institutional capacity development through our partnerships with other universities worldwide.
Additionally, we offer an online, self-paced course which establishes a theoretical foundation for the study of gender and provides tools to apply and integrate gender perspectives into agricultural work with a goal of bringing growth, productivity, and policy benefits to communities. To learn more and enroll, click here.
This self-paced course teaches you how to identify the role of gender in communities and use this awareness to better integrate women and marginalized populations when working with groups in local production enterprises. This course establishes a theoretical foundation for the study of gender and provides tools to apply and integrate gender perspectives into agricultural work with a goal of bringing growth, productivity, and policy benefits to communities. Through a combination of educational videos, short readings, and knowledge check questions, you will learn about development theory, gender, empowerment, equality, equity, and justice. With this theoretical framework, you will examine masculinity and femininity in agriculture and use this knowledge to help bring growth and productivity into agricultural programming and policies.
Penn State's Women’s Empowerment Through Agricultural Research and Education (WEARE) Initiative will fund an interdisciplinary cohort of Ph.D. students to address gendered aspects of resilience and agriculture led growth in the fields of Rural Sociology, Plant Science, and Entomology and with participation in the dual-title program in International Agriculture & Development.
Faculty conducted a three-day workshop titled, "Integrating Gender Research Methods in Practice" with Oxfam America researchers in Washington, D.C.. Supporting Oxfam's strategic plan to prioritize gender, Penn State faculty shared content related to gender theory and methodology as well as a facilitated discussion applying gender to Oxfam's research.
A Gender Integration Workshop was organized by the Penn State Gender Initiative in collaboration with BioInnovate Africa. The workshop focused on gender integration for BioInnovate’s projects that support biological technologies that are transitioning to the market in Eastern Africa.
Penn State has been awarded funds to partner with the CGIAR Gender and Agriculture Research Network to strengthen research capacity on gender, enhance the quality of gender research in CGIAR, provide strategies for interdisciplinary collaboration, and increase publication in high quality journals with the ultimate goals of providing benefits to poor rural women and men and empowering women and girls.
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Ag Sciences Global
106 Agricultural Administration BuildingUniversity Park, PA 16802
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- Office 814-863-0249
- Fax 814-865-3055