Penn State's Women’s Empowerment Through Agricultural Research and Education (WEARE) Initiative will fund an interdisciplinary cohort of Ph.D. students to address gendered aspects of resilience and agriculture led growth in the fields of Rural Sociology, Plant Science, and Entomology and with participation in the dual-title program in International Agriculture & Development.
In 2018, Penn State's Women’s Empowerment Through Agricultural Research and Education (WEARE) will fund a cohort of new Ph.D. students in the fields of Rural Sociology, Plant Science, and Entomology along with the dual-title program in International Agriculture and Development (INTAD). These new graduate students or Gender Fellows, will cross natural and social science boundaries, contributing to scholarship in the critical area of the gender dimensions of global agricultural production and food systems. Funding will begin in Fall of 2019 for participating Ph.D. students.
The cohort will contribute to the WEARE team's broad research goal, which is to provide new empirically grounded understanding of the ways in which gender impacts agriculture and agriculture production. Aligning with the USAID 2018 Feed the Future Learning Agenda's Gender and Women's Empowerment priority area, the incoming cohort will tackle issues surrounding men and women's participation in global food systems. The new cohort builds on existing research activities including the Women in Agriculture Network: Honduras project funded by USAID's Horticulture Innovation Lab (UC Davis) and the Women in Agriculture Network: Cambodia project funded by USAID's Sustainable Intensification Lab (Kansas State). Working with faculty with expertise in rural and global development issues related to agriculture production, the new cohort will also learn from one another's dissertation research projects and create a unique interdisciplinary team bridging their own disciplines to promote global gender equity.
If you are interested in learning more about the program, please contact Leif Jensen,, to let us know of your interest and for guidance to get started on the application.
More information on participating programs can be found here:
Ag Sciences Global
106 Agricultural Administration BuildingUniversity Park, PA 16802
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- Office 814-863-0249
- Fax 814-865-3055
Ag Sciences Global
106 Agricultural Administration BuildingUniversity Park, PA 16802
- Email
- Office 814-863-0249
- Fax 814-865-3055