What are the requirements for the INTAD dual-title degree?

Degree Requirements
Students should consult the INTAD Graduate Bulletin for the current INTAD degree requirements.
Any questions about the INTAD degree requirements should be directed to the INTAD leadership team. Please refer to the Contact INTAD section.
Approved INTAD Electives
Doctoral students are required to include three credits of INTAD elective coursework. Please see the list below for the list of approved INTAD elective courses.
- ADTED/CIED 508: Globalization and Lifelong Learning (3)
- ADTED/CIED 509: Language, Literacy, Identity, and Culture in a Global Context (3)
- ADTED/CIED 562: Politics, Language, and Pedagogy: Applying Paulo Freire Today (3)
- EEFE 550: International Economic Development and Agriculture (3)
- AGBIO/FDSC 521: Food Defense: Prevention Planning for Food Processors (3)
- AGECO/ENT/CSIED 457: Principles of Integrated Pest Management (3)
- EDCE 550: Program Development and Evaluation in Youth, Families, and Communities (3)
- EDCE 555: Volunteer Program Management (3)
- EDCE 845: Intergenerational Programs and Practices (3)
- BIO 415: Ecotoxicology (3)
- CED 410: The Global Seminar (3)
- CED 417: Power, Conflict, and Community Decision Making (3)
- CED 425: International Development, Renewable Resources, and the Environment (3)
- CEDEV 420: Women in Developing Countries (3)
- CIED 553: Educational Mobility in Comparative Perspective (3)
- ENT 497C: Medical Entomology
- ENT 530: Pollinator Biology (1)
- ENT 530: Seminar in Tropical Entomology (1)
- FDSC 515: Sensometrics - Applied Multivariate Analysis in Sensory & Food Science (3)
- FDSC 517: Microbial Genomic Epidemiology (3)
- FOR 418: Agroforestry: Science, Design, and Practice (3)
- FOR 488: International Forestry (3)
- GEOG 430: Human Use of the Environment (3)
- GEOG 439: Property and the Global Environment (3)
- GEOG 444: African Resources & Development (3)
- GEOG 530: Development, Governance, Justice (3)
- GEOG 530: Global Political Ecologies (3)
- GEOG 530: Power, Uncertainty and Health (3)
- INTAG 481: Problem Solving in Tropical Agriculture (3)
- PPEM 405: Microbe-Plant Interactions: Plant Disease and Biological Control (3)
- PPEM 454: Virus Ecology (3)
- RSOC 525: Fertility, Population & Development (3)
- RSOC 597: Race, Justice and Society (3)
- SOILS 502: Soil Properties and Functions (3)
Is there a course that you would like to petition to be on the approved elective list? Students can follow the process below in order to petition to add a course to the list. Submit the following materials to Melanie Miller Foster at mjm727@psu.edu:
- The student writes a short statement on how the course meets two or more of the INTAD Program Learning Outcomes.
- The instructor of the course writes a short statement on how the course meets two or more of the INTAD Program Learning Outcomes.
- A copy of the course syllabus
The petition materials are reviewed by the INTAD Academic Program Committee, and the student is notified of the resulting vote within two weeks.
Melanie Miller Foster106 Agricultural Administration Building
University Park, PA 16802
- Email mjm727@psu.edu
- Office 814-863-0249
- Fax 814-865-3055
Melanie Miller Foster106 Agricultural Administration Building
University Park, PA 16802
- Email mjm727@psu.edu
- Office 814-863-0249
- Fax 814-865-3055