Global Engagement for Gender Equality in Agriculture

Building on partnerships with global organizations, WEARE faculty enhance opportunities for collaboration by developing a training program in gender and agriculture for students.

Riskscapes of Gender, Disaster, and Climate Change in Indonesia and Australia

With seed funding from the Center for Security Research and Education at Penn State, WEARE faculty research gendered impacts of natural disasters and climate change in Indonesia and Australia.

Time Poverty Among Women Smallholders in Ghana

With funding from USAID's Feed the Future Peanut Innovation Lab (University of Georgia), Penn State and the Savannah Agricultural Research Institute (SARI) partner on a three and a half-year project in Ghana to study women’s time poverty and its influence on women’s participation in the peanut value chain, and to develop and evaluate strategies to enhance that participation.

Transformative Resilience in the Context of Climate Change in the US and Australia

As part of the Global Engagement Network at Penn State, a team of faculty at Penn State partners with faculty members from Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. The project focuses on building knowledge and understanding of gendered differences in the reslience of smallholder farmers in the face of climate and environmental change.

Women in Ag Network (WAgN): Cambodia

With funding from the USAID-supported Sustainable Intensification Innovation Lab, the WAgN Cambodia project will empower women and improve nutrition by promoting women's participation in the value chains for horticulture crops produced via sustainable intensification practices.

Women in Ag Network (WAgN): Honduras

With funding from the USAID-support Horticulture Innovation Lab at UC-Davis, CAS researchers are using a gendered economy perspective to understand and promote the participation of women in the horticulture value chain in western Honduras.

Ag Sciences Global


106 Agricultural Administration Building
University Park, PA 16802

Ag Sciences Global


106 Agricultural Administration Building
University Park, PA 16802