Women's Engagement Through Agricultural Research and Education (WEARE)
WEARE is a network of interdisciplinary scholars and researchers that initiate and respond to the new opportunities for research, instruction, and evidence-based outreach that investigate the role of women in agricultural and environmental sciences.
Our Vision: To promote food security, resilience, and improved livelihoods through engaging women in key areas of agriculture, energy, and environment.
Our Mission: We research innovative and sustainable development practices. We build capacity of scholars, practitioners, and producers. We build trans-disciplinary, cross-agency, and geographically diverse networks.
Latest News
January 5, 2025
Internship in Africa proves 'transformative' for graduate student
As a second-year master’s degree student in rural sociology in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences, Zoe Chambliss seeks ways to expand her knowledge in the role of women in agriculture and rural development.
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December 16, 2024
‘Triple burden’ of invisible labor major stressor for farm women, study finds
A team of researchers has found that farm women experience a “triple burden”: simultaneously juggling different roles on- and off-the farm, often handling the invisible labor of caring for their households, children and farms. Their new study, recently published in the Journal of Agromedicine, revealed a significant portion of stressors these women face are mostly invisible, such as the mental load of childcare, researching farm needs, working off the farm, planning meals, organizing medical appointments and more — in short, all of the things needed to make a household and farm run.
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July 30, 2024
Farm families' childcare challenges impacting farm businesses, research suggests
New study shows how childcare difficulties have wide, rippling effects on farm enterprises. In the study, over three quarters of farm families with children under 18 reported that they had experienced childcare challenges, largely due to cost and availability, which means that they often must cobble together multiple paid and unpaid childcare options. Credit: pixdeluxe/Getty Images / Penn State. Creative Commons
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May 3, 2024
Research Report: Managing the Water-Energy-Food-Gender Nexus
Between Subsistence and Sustainability on Isla Fuerte, Colombia
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