IPAC Mission
The mission of the International Programs Advisory Council (IPAC) is to advise and provide strategic planning support to the director of international programs in the College of Agricultural Sciences in the areas of academic, research, and extension international programs and activities.
IPAC was established in January 2001 with the concurrence of the leadership of the College of Agricultural Sciences. IPAC is charged with assisting the director of international programs of the college to develop a strategic plan for the Office of International Programs. The strategic plan will serve to mobilize the college's tremendous resources and expertise to address the pressing global food and natural resources challenges of the twenty-first century. The plan will also make recommendations regarding the infrastructure in the college for international programs that expand the knowledge base, as well as provide a richer educational experience for our students and a global perspective on community issues. The plan will make recommendations regarding the key functions of the Office of International Programs and resources to support those functions.
The membership of IPAC will consist of representatives from each academic unit, two representatives from the extension service, and two student representatives (undergraduate and graduate). Selection is based on prior international experience, expression of initiative, and in consultation with members of the review board. IPAC meetings will also be open to other interested parties in the college, particularly the Development Office and Industry Relations. In addition, IPAC will share deliberations with key partners outside the college, particularly the Penn State Ag Council, Farm Bureau, Agri-Food Advisory Council, Pennsylvania Council of Cooperative Extension Associations, University Office of International Programs, and the international offices at the Smeal College of Business and Schreyer's Honors College. The review board for IPAC will consist of the associate deans and unit leaders.
Current IPAC Membership
- Deanna Behring, Ag Sciences Global
- Emma Chaplin, Undergraduate Student representative
- Dan Ciolkosz, Agricultural and Biological Engineering
- Estelle Couradeau, Ecosystem Science and Management
- Luis Duque, Plant Science
- Ryan Elias, Food Science
- Lisa Holden, Animal Science
- Paige Kelly, Agricultural Economics, Sociology, and Education
- Monica Kersch-Becker, Entomology
- Girish Kirimanjeswara, Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
- Gloria Mangoni, Graduate Student representative
- Michael Masiuk, Extension
- Veronica Roman-Reyna, Plant Pathology
Past Members
- Ted Alter, Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology
- Steve Smith, Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology
- Dennis Buffington, Agricultural and Biological Engineering
- Larry Muller, Dairy and Animal Science
- Ramaswamy Anantheswaran, Food Science
- Mike Jacobson, Forest Resources
- Siela Maximova, Horticulture
- Andrew Martin, Cooperative Extension
- Maya Nehme, Graduate Student
- Brian Cameron, Undergraduate Student
- Lief Jensen, Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology
- Eileen Wheeler, Agricultural and Biological Engineering
- Tom Bruening, Agricultural and Extension Education
- Dennis Calvin, Cooperative Extension
- Miguel Saviroff, Cooperative Extension
- Rick Stehouwer, Crop and Soil Sciences
- Wansheng Liu, Dairy and Animal Science
- Ed Rajotte, Entomology
- Luke Laborde, Food Science
- Wayne Myers, Forest Resources
- David Ader, Graduate Student
- Kathleen Brown, Horticulture
- Paul Backman, Plant Pathology
- Paul H. Patterson, Poultry Science
- Fred Gouker, Undergraduate Student
- Eric Harvill, Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
- Paul Craig, Extension
- Anouk Patel, Agricultural Economics, Sociology, and Education
- Sarah Osmane, Graduate Student
- Abe DeHart, Undergraduate Student
- Julie Baniszewski, Graduate Student representative (ENT)
- Gracie Pekarcik, Undergraduate Student representative
- Jack Watson, Ecosystem Science and Management
- Brandon Bixler, Undergraduate Student representative
- Kathy Kelley, Plant Science
- Maria Del Mar Jimenez Gasco, Plant Pathology
Ag Sciences Global
106 Agricultural Administration BuildingUniversity Park, PA 16802
- Email globalag@psu.edu
- Office 814-863-0249
- Fax 814-865-3055
Ag Sciences Global
106 Agricultural Administration BuildingUniversity Park, PA 16802
- Email globalag@psu.edu
- Office 814-863-0249
- Fax 814-865-3055