Posted: February 20, 2016

Penn State University is currently seeking Cambodian scholars to apply for Ph.D. training. A Graduate Research Assistantship stipend and tuition waiver is available for a qualified applicant.

Penn State University is currently seeking Cambodian scholars to apply for PhD training. A Graduate Research Assistantship stipend and tuition waiver is available for a qualified applicant.

We are looking for someone who would be interested in earning a dual-degree PhD in Rural Sociology and International Agriculture & Development (INTAD). The Rural Sociology program would be the main or "anchor" academic program and the program within Penn State's Graduate School to which the student would be applying. The student would simultaneously pursue a PhD in INTAD. At Penn State, the dual-degree programs are structured such that little if any time is added to completion of the degrees.

This opportunity is part of the Penn State project "Women in Agriculture Network (WAgN) Cambodia: Gender- and Ecologically-Sensitive Agriculture", funded by USAID and led by the Sustainable Intensification Innovation Lab at Kansas State University.

An additional opportunity for Cambodian scholars to attain M.S. or PhD degrees is SEARCA (Southeast Asia Regional Center for Graduate study and Research in Agriculture).

Questions about INTAD can be directed to Prof. Leif Jensen ( Questions about Rural Sociology can be directed to Prof. Clare Hinrichs ( Questions about the USAID Sustainable Intensification project in Cambodia and SEARCA can be directed to Prof. Ricky Bates (



Melanie Miller Foster
106 Agricultural Administration Building

University Park, PA 16802



Melanie Miller Foster
106 Agricultural Administration Building

University Park, PA 16802