Gloria Guo Zhang

My research investigates how the current Fine-tuning Medium of Instruction (FTMOI) policy (from 2010-2011 school year to 2017-2018 school year) is implemented in Hong Kong’s previous Chinese as Medium-of-Instruction secondary schools.

FTMOI policy grants school autonomy in making its school-based policy in deciding the classes/ subjects they would like to teach in English.

I focus on how major actors, including school leaders, teachers, students and parents, in non-elite schools navigated the policy.

The project seeks to promote educational justice through amplifying youth voices, specifically, student voices in terms of their preference of Medium of Instruction (using which language to learn), learning experiences and recommendations for policy refinement. Thus, providing grassroots student voices to the community and policymakers to improve education.

I would like to know channels and possibilities to communicate the research findings with local government and NGOs, with the aim to provide information, grass-root voices and insights for government’s language policy making (which is expected to happen in the coming years).

I would like to know about cases in other countries or regions concerning mitigating educational gaps, including medium of instruction (i.e., which language to use in previously colonised spaces).

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 University of Galway

Bosserman Center for Conflict Resolution