Ana Surjanto

International women's students, particularly those from Muslim backgrounds, encounter complex challenges that encompass academic, sociocultural, and psychological dimensions during their study abroad. The research focuses on Indonesian Muslim women's learning experiences in Australian higher education and living in Australia. Their identity as International female students intersects with gender roles that have influenced their learning and engagement. Further, the study highlights the complexity of factors influencing student experiences, emphasizing the unique needs of each student based on personal, familial, institutional, and national contexts. In this case, Indonesian Muslim women aim to engage in the debate on the interplay between Islam and feminism. This engagement will underscore how Islam is interpreted and shaped as Muslim women's movements work to overcome cultural, social, political, and psychological challenges and misinterpretations of Islam, thereby advocating for re-envisioning Muslim women.

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 University of Galway

Bosserman Center for Conflict Resolution