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- Extension Educator, Horticulture - Green Industry
Areas of Expertise
- Integrated Pest Management
- Entomology
- Horticulture
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
Areas of Expertise
- Youth Development
- 4-H in Cameron and Elk County
- Science Education
- Extension Educator
- Food, Families, and Communities
Areas of Expertise
- Kinship Care
- Relatives as Parents Program
- Farm Stress
- Thrive parenting
- Mental Health First Aid
- Smart Choice Smart Use Health Insurance Literacy
- Substance Use
- Alzheimer's training
- Area 4-H Educator- 4-H Youth Development
Areas of Expertise
- Youth Development/4-H/ STEM education
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
- Extension Educator, 4-H & Youth Development
- Senior Extension Educator, Livestock
Areas of Expertise
- Agriculture
- Sheep and Goat Production
- Beef Production
- Pasture Management
- Forage and Pasture Management
- Extension Educator
- District 1
Areas of Expertise
- Green Industry
- Plant Identification
- Commercial Greenhouses
- Integrated Pest Management
- Equine Extension Associate
- Extension Educator, Poultry Science
Areas of Expertise
- Laying Hens
- Poultry Management
- Poultry Nutrition
- Animal Welfare
- Egg Quality
- Fertile Egg Incubation
Areas of Expertise
- Youth Development/4-H in Armstrong County
- Extension Educator, Renewable Natural Resources
Areas of Expertise
- Private Water Supplies (wells, springs)
- Water Testing and Treatment
- Pond Management and Aquatic Plants
- Youth Environmental Education
- Extension Educator, Field and Forage Crops
Areas of Expertise
- Nutrient Management
- Hay/ Pasture Management
- Summer Annual Forages
- Pesticide Education
- Master Gardener Coordinator in Indiana County
- Dairy Management Extension Educator
Areas of Expertise
- Dairy & Livestock Nutrition
- Calf and Heifer Management
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
- 4-H Youth Development Educator
Areas of Expertise
- Community Development, Energy
- Extension Educator, Renewable Natural Resources/Forestry Educator
Areas of Expertise
- Backyard Woods
- Habitat Management
- Forest Ecology
- Invasive Species
- Wildlife Management
- Wildlife
- Youth Environmental Education
- Part-time Assistant, Farm Safety
Areas of Expertise
- Farm Safety Demonstrations
- Ag Rescue Assistant and Educator
- Senior Food Safety Extension Associate and Team Lead, Industrial Food Safety and Quality
Areas of Expertise
- Training and technical support for food operations – HACCP, FSMA Preventive Controls (FSPCA), food defense, ServSafe, food microbiology, food processing, and food safety for volunteer organizations, farmers’ markets, and consumers
- Control of food spoilage and foodborne pathogens
- Quality systems – sanitation, allergens, environmental testing, sustainability and auditing
- Food processing and preservation
- Food supply chain – supplier control, traceability and recall
- FSMA - Preventive controls for human food
- FSMA - Preventive controls for animal feed
- FSMA - Intentional Adulteration (IA)
- Extension Educator, Horticulture
Areas of Expertise
- Vegetable and Small Fruit Production
- Pesticide Education
- Sustainable Landscapes
- Meadows
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
Areas of Expertise
- Vegetable and Small Fruit
- Beekeeping
- Green Industry
Areas of Expertise
- Food Safety and Nutrition
- Engaged Scholarship
- Extension Educator, Ag Conservation Assistance
Areas of Expertise
- Integrated Pest Management
- Nutrient Management
- Agricultural Best Management Practices
- Field and Forage Crops
- Agronomic Crops
- Extension Educator
- Nutrition Links Supervisor
Areas of Expertise
- Nutrition
- Health and Wellness
- Extension Educator, Food, Families, and Health, Nutrition Links Supervisor
Areas of Expertise
- Nutrition Links Supervisor. Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP ED), Farm Stress, Mental Health First Aid, QPR Gatekeeper Suicide Prevention, Alzheimer's Healthy Aging, LIFT, Mental Health First Aid, Substance Use, EXCITE, Everbody Walk Across PA
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
Areas of Expertise
- Nutrient Management
- Grazing and Pasture Management
- Biosecurity
- Conservation Best Management Practices
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
- Master Watershed Steward Coordinator (Bucks County)
Areas of Expertise
- Master Gardener Program
- Master Watershed Steward Program
- Project Management
- Marketing
- Social Media
- Photography
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
Areas of Expertise
- 4-H Youth Development in Huntingdon County
- Senior Extension Program Specialist, Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Sociology and Education
Areas of Expertise
- Value-added agriculture
- Agricultural entrepreneurship
- Value-added dairy entrepreneurship
- Value-added dairy foods marketing
- Online marketing and sales
- Social media
- Direct marketing
- Farm and ag business management
- Budgeting
- Business planning
- Extension Educator, Urban Forestry
Areas of Expertise
- Urban Forestry
- Arboriculture
- Urban Stormwater
- Green Infrastructure
- Urban Stormwater Management
- Extension Educator, Business and Community Vitality
Areas of Expertise
- Geospatial Intelligence Analytics
- Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional (LEED Neighborhood Development AP, Homes AP, Buildings AP)
- Climate Change
- Sustainable Economic Development
- Broadband Access
- Market Research
- Sustainable Tourism
- Economic Resource Development
- Hemp Building
- Agriculture Infrastructure
- Entrepreneurship
- Food systems
- High Performance Homes
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth
- Extension Educator, Field and Forage Crops
Areas of Expertise
- Field and Forage Crop Production
- Silage Production and Management
- Soil and Nutrient Management
- Extension Educator, Food Safety and Quality & Food, Families and Health
- Nutrition Education Adviser, Food Families and Health
Areas of Expertise
- Nutrition Links in Lehigh and Northampton counties
- Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)
- 4-H Educator, Health Rocks Specialist
Areas of Expertise
- Youth Development/4-H in Fayette County
- Extension Educator, Food, Families & Health
- Food Safety & Quality
Areas of Expertise
- Nutrition
- Health & Wellness
- Retail Food Safety
- Master Gardener Coordinator / Horticulture Extension Educator
- Area Educator, 4-H Youth Development
- Southeast PA
Areas of Expertise
- Youth Development/4-H
- Science Education
- Outreach to urban and new youth audiences
- Nutrition Links Regional Coordinator, Food, Families, & Health
Areas of Expertise
- Nutrition Links in Berks, Lehigh, Montgomery, Northampton, & Upper Bucks Counties
- Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth/Development
- Educator, 4-H and Youth Development
- Extension Educator, Field and Forage Crops
Areas of Expertise
- Grazing/Pasture Management
- Forage Production
- Nutrient Management
- Integrated Pest Management
- Agricultural Water Quality
- Nutrition Educator Adviser, Food Family and Health
Areas of Expertise
- Nutrition Links
- Expanded Food and Nutrition (EFNEP)
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed)
- Extension Educator, Vegetable and Fruit
Areas of Expertise
- Commercial Vegetable Production
- Commercial Small Fruit Production
- Commercial Tree Fruit Production
Areas of Expertise
- Community Development
- Entrepreneurship
- Grant Writing
- Workforce Development and Retention
- Leadership
- Master Gardener Coordinator/Educator
Areas of Expertise
- Vegetables and fruits
- School and community gardens
- Consumer horticulture
- Local food systems
- Extension Educator, Green Industry
Areas of Expertise
- Integrated Pest Management
- Organic Land Care
- Arboriculture
- Ornamental Plant Identification & Usage
- Native Plants
- Extension Educator, Dairy
Areas of Expertise
- Milk Quality
- Dairy Food Safety
- Dairy Occupational Health and Safety
- Women in Agriculture
- FSMA - Preventive Controls for Animal Feed
- FSMA - Preventive Controls for Human Food -Dairy
- Value-added Dairy
- Farm Stress
- Director, Center for Agriculture Conservation Assistance Training
- Program Team Leader, Water Resources
Areas of Expertise
- Agricultural Water Resources Issues
- Youth Water Education & Curriculum Development
- Conservation Volunteer Management
- Stormwater Management
- Safe Drinking Water
- Innovative Watershed Restoration Approaches
- Client Relationship Manager, Area 6
Areas of Expertise
- Relationship Building, Community Development, Volunteer Management, Communication, Sales and Marketing
- Extension Educator, Poultry
Areas of Expertise
- Small Flock and Backyard Poultry
- Poultry Welfare and Behavior
- Laying Hen Production and Management
- Egg Quality and Safe Handling
- State Program Coordinator for Nutrition Links
- Food, Families, and Communities
Areas of Expertise
- Nutrition Links:
- Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)
- PA Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - Education (SNAP-Ed)
- Extension Educator - Center for Ag Conservation Assistance Training
Areas of Expertise
- Ag Conservation
- Water Quality
- Private Drinking Water (wells, springs, cisterns)
- Pond and Lake Management
- Onlot Septic Systems
- Gas Drilling and Private Water Supplies
- Extension Educator, Community & Economic Development
Areas of Expertise
- Community and Land Use Planning
- Strategic Planning
- Community Visioning
- Grant Writing
- Facilitation
- Local Government
- Administrative Assistant for Master Gardeners, 4-H, Fiscal Clerk
Areas of Expertise
- 4-H General
- Consumer Horticulture and Master Gardener
- Fiscal Clerk
- Extension Educator, Agronomy
Areas of Expertise
- Entomology
- Integrated Pest Management
- Nutrient Management
- Field Crops
- Extension Educator, Agronomy
Areas of Expertise
- Field Crops
- Forages
- Hay
- Farm Business Management
- Extension Educator, Dairy
Areas of Expertise
- Cow comfort
- Heat abatement
- Statewide Master Watershed Steward Coordinator
Areas of Expertise
- Master Watershed Steward Coordinator
- Extension Program Specialist, Better Kid Care
Areas of Expertise
- Nutrition, Health & Safety
- Extension Educator, Horticulture
Areas of Expertise
- Youth Development/4-H in Montgomery County
- - Animal Science
- - 4-H Quality Animal Management
- Extension Educator, Business Development
Areas of Expertise
- Farm and Food Business
- Financial Management
- Business Planning
- Farm Succession Planning
- Strategic Planning
- Workforce Development
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
Areas of Expertise
- Environmental Education
- Positive Youth Development
- Shooting Sports Education
- Extension Educator, Dairy
Areas of Expertise
- Dairy Business Management
- Dairy Processing
- Agricultural Biosecurity and Food Safety Defense
- Nutrition Education Adviser, Food Families and Health
Areas of Expertise
- Nutrition Links in Fayette County
- Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)
- Nutrition Education Adviser, Food Families and Health
Areas of Expertise
- Nutrition Links:
- Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)
- Senior Extension Educator
- Nutrition Links Supervisor
- State Program Team Co-Leader, Health and Wellness Team
Areas of Expertise
- Nutrition
- Food Safety
- Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist
- Administrative Assistant for 4-H
- Extension Educator, Horticulture
- Affiliate Instructor, Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology
- Produce Safety Alliance Lead Instructor, FSMA Produce Safety Rule
- Latinx Agricultural Network Community of Practice, Leadership Committee Member
- Extensión En Español
Areas of Expertise
- Commercial Horticulture (Green Industry, Vegetable, Tree and Small Fruit and, Mushroom Productions)
- Integrated Pest Management
- Farm Food Safety - FSMA and GAP
- Latino Community Outreach
- Beginning Farmer
- Conservation Practice
- Lackawanna County 4-H Educator
- Extension Educator, Agronomy
Areas of Expertise
- Agronomy
- Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management
- Pesticide Use and Safety
- GMO's and Technology Traits in Agriculture
- Nutrition Educator Adviser
- 4-H Educator
- Biosecurity and Animal Welfare; Eastern Pennsylvania
Areas of Expertise
- Biosecurity and Animal Welfare; Eastern Pennsylvania
- Youth Development/4-H
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
Areas of Expertise
- 4-H Youth Development
- Volunteer Management & Development
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
Areas of Expertise
- Youth Development/4-H in Bucks County
- 4-H Livestock Science
- 4-H Small Animal Science
- Teen Leadership
- Camp Administration and Leadership
- Nutrition Education Adviser, Food Families and Health
Areas of Expertise
- Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)
- Marketing and Business Development Education Specialist
Areas of Expertise
- Marketing Strategy and Analysis
- Entreprenuership
- Digital Marketing
- Storytelling and Communication
- Social Media
- Photography and Video
- Extension Educator, Energy, Business, and Community Vitality
Areas of Expertise
- Youth Development/4-H in Bedford County
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
Areas of Expertise
- Livestock Production
- Forage and Pasture Management
- Beef Cow and Calf Management
- Livestock Marketing
- 4-H Livestock Educator in Westmoreland County
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
- Assistant Teaching Professor of Viticulture
Areas of Expertise
- Applied Viticulture
- Grapevine physiology
- Pruning and training
- Canopy management
- Adult Livestock & 4-H Animal Science Educator
Areas of Expertise
- Dairy Goats
- Meat Goats
- Sheep
- Ag Business Planning
- Livestock Processing
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
- Distinguished Extension Educator and Team Leader, Retail and Consumer Food Safety
Areas of Expertise
- Food Safety
- Food Quality
- Environmental Monitoring
- Home Food Preservation
- Digital Education
- Extension Educator, Field and Forage Crops
Areas of Expertise
- Agronomic Crop Production
- Integrated Pest Management
- Entomology
- Organic Agronomy
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
- Master Watershed Steward Coordinator (Chester and Delaware Counties)
- Master Gardener Coordinator (Chester County)
- Extension Educator, Master Watershed/Master Gardener
Areas of Expertise
- Master Gardener Program
- Master Watershed Steward Program
- Nonprofit management
- Education
- Volunteerism
- Outreach
- Backyard Ecology and Native Plant Gardening
- Extension Educator, Food, Families, and Communities
Areas of Expertise
- Dining with Diabetes - Type 2 Diabetes
- Healthy Aging - Alzheimer's Disease
- Financial Literacy and Management
- Health Insurance Literacy
- Lifelong Improvements through Fitness Together (LIFT)
- Mental Health First Aid
- Relatives as Parents Program (RAPP) - Kinship Care
- Walking and Cancer Prevention
- Client Relationship Manager, Area 5
- Extension Educator, Dairy
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
Areas of Expertise
- Youth Development/4-H in Somerset County
- 4-H Animal Science Programs
- Sheep
- Extension Educator: Food, Families, and Community
Areas of Expertise
- Mental Health First Aid
- QPR- Gatekeeper Suicide Prevention
- Farm Stress
- Thrive Parenting
- Smart Choice Smart Use Health Insurance Literacy
- Lifelong Improvements through Fitness Together (LIFT)
- Everybody Walk Across Pennsylvania & Walk By Faith
- Dining with Diabetes
- Healthy Aging
- Let’s Cook
- Extension Educator, Field and Forage Crops
- Extension Educator, Food, Families, and Communities
Areas of Expertise
- Parenting
- Child and Youth Development
- Mental Health
- Financial Literacy
- Health Insurance Literacy
Areas of Expertise
- Youth Education:
- Water,
- Forestry,
- Natural Resources,
- Ecology
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
- Extension Educator, Youth Development
Areas of Expertise
- Youth Development/4-H in Jefferson County
- Armstrong County 4-H Educator
- Master Watershed Steward Coordinator: Adams County
- Extension Educator, Poultry
- Enology Extension Educator
Areas of Expertise
- Enology
- Microbiology
- Wine Analysis
- Wine Production
- Winery Sanitation
- Extension Educator, Equine
Areas of Expertise
- Environmental stewardship
- Pasture management
- Manure management
- Nutrient management
- Extension Educator/Master Gardener Coordinator - Dauphin County
- Education, Training and Development Specialist
Areas of Expertise
- Education
- Training and Development
- Nutrition Links Program
- State Master Gardener Coordinator
Areas of Expertise
- Consumer horticulture; home gardening; small space gardening; container gardening
- Extension Educator, Food, Families, and Health
- Nutrition Links Supervisor
Areas of Expertise
- Food, Families, and Health
- Health and Wellness
- Nutrition Links in Adams, Cumberland, Lebanon, Lancaster, and York Counties
- Extension Educator/Nutrition Links Supervisor
Areas of Expertise
- Youth Development/4-H in Berks County
- Science Educations
Areas of Expertise
- Urban Entomology
- Medical Entomology
- Integrated Pest Management
- Pesticide Safety
- Pesticide Certification
- Food Safety and Quality Extension Educator
Areas of Expertise
- Food Safety and Nutrition
- Lead Instructor-FSPCA Human Foods-Preventative Controls
- Lead Instructor-FSPCA Animal Feeds-Preventative Controls
- Lead Instructor-FSMA Produce Safety Alliance
- Certified Instructor/Proctor for ServSafe, Retail Food Service
- Business Operations Manager
Areas of Expertise
- Penn State Extension Dauphin County - Extension Registration Manager/Salesforce
- Extension Educator, Ag Conservation
Areas of Expertise
- Agricultural Best Management Practices
- Watershed Restoration
- Water Quality
- Safe Drinking Water
- Environmental Education
- Youth Water Education
- Leadership Development
- Master Gardener Coordinator, Bucks County
Areas of Expertise
- Master Gardener program
- Project management
- Orchard trees and shrubs
- Edible vegetable gardening
- Permaculture
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
Areas of Expertise
- Agricultural Entrepreneurship
- Energy and Natural Gas
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
Areas of Expertise
- 4-H Youth Development
- 4-H Animal Science Programs
- Embryology School Enrichment Programs
- Agriculture Literacy
- Nutrition Education Adviser
- Program Assistant, part-time
- Master Gardener Coordinator
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
Areas of Expertise
- 4-H Youth Development
- Volunteerism
Areas of Expertise
- Youth Development/4-H in Schuylkill County
- 4-H Livestock/Dairy
- Extension Educator, Animal Systems (Dairy)
- Extension Educator, Part-Time
- Extension Educator, Water and Master Watershed Steward Coordinator
Areas of Expertise
- Private Water Supplies
- Water Quality
- Stormwater Management
- BMPs
- Ecology
- Extension Educator / Master Watershed Stewards Coordinator, Cumberland and Franklin Counties
Areas of Expertise
- Master Watershed Steward Program
- Community Science
- Environmental Education
- Project Development
- Program Management
- Outreach
- Volunteer Management
- Field Biology
- Youth Education
- Extension Educator, Poultry
Areas of Expertise
- Poultry Production & Management
- Poultry Physiology
- Composting (mortality/litter)
- Emergency Preparedness/Response
- Farm Safety
- Animal Welfare
- Food Safety (Eggs & Poultry/products, Feeds)
- Veterinary Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Areas of Expertise
- 4-H Youth Development
- Volunteer Development
- Volunteer Management
- Fund Development
- Fundraising
- Youth Development/4-H across south central Pennsylvania
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
- Extension Educator, Food Safety & Quality/Food, Families and Health
Areas of Expertise
- Food Safety & Quality
- Food, Families & Health
- Extension Educator, 4-H and Youth Development
Areas of Expertise
- Youth Development/4-H in Beaver County
- Nutrition Education Adviser, Food, Families and Health
Areas of Expertise
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education- SNAP-Ed
- Director, Pennsylvania Nutrient Management Education Program
- State Extension Specialist - Nutrient & Manure Management
- Assistant Research Professor
Areas of Expertise
- Nutrient and Manure Management
- Manure Hauler Certification
- Agricultural Air Quality
- Agricultural Odors
- Swine Industry
- Pork Quality Assurance
- Butler County 4-H Educator
- Business Operations Manager, Area 8
Areas of Expertise
- Business
- Finance
- Administration and Record Keeping
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
- Nutrition Education Adviser, Food Families and Health
Areas of Expertise
- Nutrition Links in Washington & Greene Counties
- Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)
- Education Program Associate, Business and Community Vitality
Areas of Expertise
- Direct to consumer marketing and regulations
- Farmers Markets
- On-Farm Markets
- Public Markets
- Retail Marketing
- Value Chain Coordination
- Agronomy Extension Educator
Areas of Expertise
- Diseases of soybeans, corn and small grains
- Mycotoxins in grain crops
- Area Educator, 4-H Youth Development
Areas of Expertise
- Camp Counselor Education and Training
- Camp Administration and Leadership
- Rural Youth Safety
- Youth Program Development
- Extension Educator/ Nutrition Links Supervisor
Areas of Expertise
- Farm Stress
- Thrive Parenting
- Mental Health First Aid
- Smart Choice Smart Use Health Insurance Literacy
- Alzheimer's
- 4-H Program Coordinator, Wayne County
- 4-H Youth Development Educator, Northumberland County
- 4-H Youth Development Educator, Central Susquehanna Counties
Areas of Expertise
- Youth Development/4-H in Northumberland County
- Assistant Teaching Professor of Forestry
Areas of Expertise
- Bioenergy and Bioproducts
- Carbon Markets
- Forest Carbon
- Forest Management
- Forest Management for Wildlife
- Forest Health
- Invasive Species
- Prescribed Fire
- Renewable Energy
- Silviculture
- Wildlife Management
- Wildlife
- Vector-Borne Diseases
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
Areas of Expertise
- Agricultural Economics, Sociology, and Education
- Program Development Specialist
Areas of Expertise
- Nutrition
- Health Promotion & Disease Prevention
- Food Safety
- Senior Extension Educator
- Extension Educator, Food Safety and Quality / Food, Families, and Health
Areas of Expertise
- Youth Development/4-H in Sullivan County
- Nutrition Education Adviser
Areas of Expertise
- Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)
- Nutrition Education Adviser, Food Families and Health
Areas of Expertise
- Nutrition Links in Berks county
- Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)
- Extension Educator, Horticulture
Areas of Expertise
- Ornamental landscape
- Trees and shrubs
- Specialty cut flowers
- Native plants
- Invasive plant management
- Extension Educator, Agronomy and Natural Resources
Areas of Expertise
- Weed Management, Agronomic Crops, Horticultural Crops
- Extension Educator: Food, Families, & Communities
Areas of Expertise
- Early Childhood Education
- Family Strengths
- Mentoring Coaching
- Parenting
- Stress Trauma Mental Wellness
- Food Families and Communities
- Behavioral Health, Substance Misuse
- Kinship Care
- Relatives as Parents Program
- Mental Health First Aid
- Farm Stress
- Health Literacy
Areas of Expertise
- Horticulture
- Green Industry
- Tree Fruit
- Vegetable and Small Fruit
- Extension Educator, Forestry And Wildlife
Areas of Expertise
- Agroforestry
- Non-timber Forest Products
- Native Plants
- Youth Education
- Extension Educator: Food, Families, & Communities
Areas of Expertise
- Financial Literacy
- Parenting
- Child Development
- Mental Health
- Health Insurance Literacy
- Nutrition Education Adviser, Food Families and Health
Areas of Expertise
- Expanded Food and Nutrition Education program (EFNEP)
- Master Gardener Coordinator, Erie
- Extension Educator, Horticulture
- Nutrition Education Adviser, Food Families and Health
Areas of Expertise
- PA Nutrition Education TRACKS (SNAP-Ed)
Areas of Expertise
- Cover crops
- Planting green
- Soil health
- Pasture management
- Grain crop production
- On-Farm Research
- Senior Extension Educator
- Food, Families, and Community
Areas of Expertise
- Health and Wellness
- Home Food Preservation and Consumer Food Safety
- Food Service and Retail Food Safety
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
- Ag and Civil Engineering Extension Educator
Areas of Expertise
- Construction Management
- Jobsite Safety
- Project Management
- Nutrition Education Adviser, Food Families and Health
Areas of Expertise
- Nutrition Links:
- Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)
- Extension Educator, Agronomy
Areas of Expertise
- Ag Systems
- Agriculture/Environment
- Nutrient Management
- Water Quality
- Composting
Areas of Expertise
- Private water supplies
- Water testing and treatment
- Nutrient Management Planning
- Agricultural Water Issues
- Pond management
- Stormwater Management
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
Areas of Expertise
- Food and Nutrition
- Food Safety
- Cooking and Baking
- Dance and Performing Arts
- Extension Educator, Dairy
Areas of Expertise
- Animal welfare
- Milk quality
- Biosecurity
- Horticulture Program Coordinator, Master Gardener Coordinator
Areas of Expertise
- Consumer Horticulture/Master Gardener Coordinator
- Extension Educator
- Food, Families, and Community
Areas of Expertise
- Kinship Care
- Relatives as Parents Program
- Smart Choice Smart Use Health Insurance Literacy
- Financial Literacy
- Family Strengths
- Early Care and Education
- Parenting Education for Custody, divorce, and Truancy
- Strengthening Families: Bringing the Protective Factors to Life in Your Work
- Better Kid Care Professional Development for Early Care and Education
- Mental Health First Aid for Adults Working with Youth
- QPR Gatekeeper training- Suicide prevention
- Extension Educator, Agronomy
- State SARE Coordinator
Areas of Expertise
- Forages
- Pasture Management
- Corn Silage Production
- Field Crop Production
- Integrated Pest Management
- Pesticide Education
- Sustainable Agriculture
- Water for Agriculture
- Wildlife Food Plots
- Extension Educator, Regional Urban Forester
- Senior Research Associate, Center for Economic and Community Development (CECD)
Areas of Expertise
- Applied Research
- Community and Neighborhood Development
- Community Capacity Building
- Sustainable Economic Development
- Primary and Secondary Data Analysis
- Spatial Analysis
- Data Visualization and Engagement
- Public Administration
- Public Policy
- Facilitation
- Digital Equity
- Master Gardener Coordinator
Areas of Expertise
- Consumer Horticulture; Master Gardener Coordinator
- Plants for pollinators
- Native plants & Ecological landscaping
- Extension Educator, Tree Fruit
Areas of Expertise
- Tree fruit
- Next generation grower outreach
- Nutrition Education Adviser,Food Families and Health
Areas of Expertise
- Nutrition Links in Somerset County
- Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)
- Area Master Gardener Coordinator
Areas of Expertise
- Master Gardener
- Consumer Horticulture
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
Areas of Expertise
- 4-H Youth Development
- Small Flock Poultry: Exhibition, Urban, and Backyard
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
Areas of Expertise
- Wood and Stone Sculpture; Early Childhood Instruction
- 4-H Expressive Arts
- 4-H Healthy Living
- Community Partnerships
- Extension Educator, Urban and Community Forestry
Areas of Expertise
- Urban and Community Forestry
- Traditional Forestry
- Arboriculture
- Tree Risk Assessment
- Model Plot Project Coordinator
- Assistant Research Professor of Arthropod Identification
Areas of Expertise
- Arthropod identification
- Arthropod survey, collection, and biodiversity
- Soil arthropods, with particular emphasis on forest leaf litter
- Acarology, with particular emphasis on Prostigmata and Cunaxidae
Areas of Expertise
- Youth Development/4-H in Pike County
- Extension Educator: Food, Families and Communities
Areas of Expertise
- Nutrition
- Health and Wellness
- Diabetes
- Weight management
- Extension Educator and Master Gardener Coordinator
Areas of Expertise
- Master Gardeners
- Consumer Horticulture
- Native Plants
- Associate State Program Leader, Energy, Business and Community Vitality
Areas of Expertise
- Hard Cider
- Agricultural International Development
- Value Added Product Marketing and Business Development
- Extension Educator, Horticulture
Areas of Expertise
- Plant Nutrition
- Greenhouse Floriculture
- Hydroponic Crop Production
- Irrigation Water Quality
Areas of Expertise
- 4-H Science Educator
- Livestock/Dairy/Camelids
- Youth Development/4-H in York County
- Extension Educator, Field and Forage Crops
- Education Program Associate, 4-H Teen Program Manager
Areas of Expertise
- Leadership Development
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Youth Development/4-H
- Social Media & Marketing
- Alumni Relations
- Equine Extension Associate
- Nutrition Education Adviser,Food Families and Health
Areas of Expertise
- Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)
- 4-H Educator
- Biosecurity and Animal Well-being; Western Pennsylvania
Areas of Expertise
- Biosecurity Curriculum
- Animal Well-being
- 4-H Youth Development
- Quality Animal Management
- Consumer Horticulture Educator
- Master Gardener Coordinator
Areas of Expertise
- Master Gardener Program
- Project Development
- Volunteer Management
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
Areas of Expertise
- Youth Development/4-H in Chester County
- Positive Youth Development
- STEM Education
- Master Gardener Coordinator
- Natural Resources Educator
- Master Watershed Steward Coordinator (York County)
- Spongy Moth Program Coordinator (York County)
Areas of Expertise
- Master Watershed Steward Coordinator, York County
- Private Drinking Water
- Stormwater Management
- Watershed Restoration and Education
- Nutrition Education Adviser, Food Families and Health
Areas of Expertise
- Nutrition Links in Westmoreland County
- Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)
- PA Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - Education (SNAP-Ed)
- Mercer County Master Gardener Coordinator
- Extension Educator - Ag Conservation Assistance
Areas of Expertise
- Ag conservation planning and practice design
- Ag conservation practice implementation and construction inspection
- Livestock grazing systems
- Watershed restoration, fish habitat, aquatic organism passage
- 4-H Youth Development Educator
Areas of Expertise
- Youth Development/4-H in York County
Areas of Expertise
- Agricultural Conservation Practices
- Rural sociology
- Stakeholder engagement
- Environmental policy
- Extension Program Specialist, Community & Economic Development
Areas of Expertise
- Community and Economic Development
- Community and Landowner Opportunities and Challenges of Unconventional Shale Development
- Community and Citizen Engagement
- Strategic Visioning/Planning/Doing
- Meeting Facilitation
- Land Use Planning/Decision-Making
- Community/Commercial District Revitalization
- Placemaking/Place keeping
- Intergenerational Living Communities
- Local Governance Issues, Specifically Intergovernmental and Inter-Community Collaboration
- Non-Profit Formation, Function, and Management
- Agricultural Engineer, Educator
Areas of Expertise
- Agricultural Engineering
- Dairy Systems Design and Layout
- Farm Animal Welfare
- Animal Housing Design
- Agricultural Ventilation
- Manure Handling
- Master Gardener Coordinator, Lebanon/Schuylkill counties
- Extension Educator, Food, Families, and Communities
Areas of Expertise
- Thrive Parenting
- Farm Stress
- Mental Health First Aid
- Early Care and Education
- Alzheimer's Healthy Aging
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
- Master Gardener Coordinator, Lehigh, Northampton, and Carbon Counties
- Master Watershed Steward Coordinator (Monroe County)
- Senior Extension Educator - Agronomy
Areas of Expertise
- Agriculture/Agronomy
- Plant Science
- Extension Educator, Ornamentals
- Spotted Lanternfly Researcher
Areas of Expertise
- Spotted Lanternfly, Ornamental/ Shade Tree, Commercial Landscape Maintenance, Pesticide Application
- Education Program Assistant
- Extension Educator, Equine
- Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
Areas of Expertise
- 4-H Youth Development
- 4-H Volunteer Management & Development
- 4-H Shooting Sports
- Animal Science