A description of the analytical tests available in each of the laboratory service areas along with fees charged is listed in this online site. Submission forms for each service can be found in each laboratory service area.

Soil Fertility Testing, Plant Tissue (Total) Analysis and Soilless Media Testing

A kit should be purchased before submitting samples for analysis. The kit consists of a sample mailing bag, instructions for sample collection and handling, and an information form to be filled out by the customer. The cost of performing the test is included in the purchase price of the kit. In the soil fertility testing program, multiple-sample information forms and kits are also available for individuals submitting three or more samples. Kits may be purchased from the county offices of Penn State Extension or from commercial firms or garden centers that stock kits for the convenience of their customers. Alternatively, you may print a sample submission form (pdf format) from this site and submit the sample in your own container. Payment must accompany sample(s) submitted with checks or money order made payable to The Pennsylvania State University.

Manure, Compost, Biosolid Testing and Late Season Cornstalk Nitrate Test

The customer provides the mailing container or obtains a free mailer from the laboratory or from your county office of Penn State Extension. Sample submission forms (pdf format) are available on this site. Payment must accompany sample(s) submitted with checks or money order made payable to The Pennsylvania State University.

In addition to a detailed report the programs provide information for determining fertilizer application rates and selecting appropriate nutrient management practices. Copies of the analytical reports are sent to the county extension offices, and agents are available to assist with report interpretations and recommendations. Other than to county agents, individual report information will not be released to any persons other than those whose names are listed on the report.

Tours of the laboratory operations and facilities are available by appointment. For additional information on the analytical service programs of the College of Agricultural Sciences, contact your county office of Penn State Extension or the Laboratory.

Ag Analytical Services Lab


720 Tower Rd
University Park, PA 16802

Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Ag Analytical Services Lab


720 Tower Rd
University Park, PA 16802

Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM