List of the standard manure testing methods used by the Agricultural Analytical Services Lab.

Analyte Method Reference
Total and Volatile Solids Dried at 105 C, ashed at 550 C Spargo, J.T., Brimmer, R., Hicks, K., & Lessl, J. (2022). Total and volatile solids. In M.L. Wilson and S. Cortus (Eds.), Recommended methods of manure analysis (2nd ed., pp. 19–22).  Univ. of Minnesota Libraries Publishing.
Total P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Na, Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe, Al Open vessel acid digestion followed by ICP-OES

Spargo, J.T., & Miller, R.O. (2022). Digestion and dissolution for elemental analysis. In M.L. Wilson and S. Cortus (Eds.), Recommended methods of manure analysis (2nd ed., pp. 61–69).  Univ. of Minnesota Libraries Publishing.

Hicks, K., Miller, R.O., & Spargo, J.T. (2022). Phosphorus, potassium, and metals by inductively couple plasma – optical emission spectroscopy.  In M.L. Wilson and S. Cortus (Eds.), Recommended methods of manure analysis (2nd ed., pp. 71–78).  Univ. of Minnesota Libraries Publishing.

Total N Combustion Hicks, K., Brimmer, R., & Spargo, J.T. (2022). Nitrogen, total by combustion.  In M.L. Wilson and S. Cortus (Eds.), Recommended methods of manure analysis (2nd ed., pp. 27–30).  Univ. of Minnesota Libraries Publishing.
Ammonium N Diffusion-conductivity Hicks, K., Brimmer, R., & Spargo, J.T. (2022). Nitrogen, ammonium by distillation, spectrophotometry, and diffusion-conductivity.  In M.L. Wilson and S. Cortus (Eds.), Recommended methods of manure analysis (2nd ed., pp. 47–53).  Univ. of Minnesota Libraries Publishing.
pH Specific ion electrode Spargo, J.T., Brimmer, R., Lessl, J. Thayer, B., & Hicks, K. (2022). pH. In M.L. Wilson and S. Cortus (Eds.), Recommended methods of manure analysis (2nd ed., pp. 91–93).  Univ. of Minnesota Libraries Publishing.
Soluble Salts Electrical conductivity Spargo, J.T., Brimmer, R., Lessl, J. Thayer, B., & Hicks, K. (2022). Electrical conductivity (EC). In M.L. Wilson and S. Cortus (Eds.), Recommended methods of manure analysis (2nd ed., pp. 95–97).  Univ. of Minnesota Libraries Publishing.
Total C Combustion Hicks, K., Brimmer, R., & Spargo, J.T. (2022). Carbon, total by combustion.  In M.L. Wilson and S. Cortus (Eds.), Recommended methods of manure analysis (2nd ed., pp. 23–25).  Univ. of Minnesota Libraries Publishing.
Water Extractable P 1:100 (solids:water) extraction Hicks, K., Brimmer, R., & Spargo, J.T. (2022). Water extractable phosphorus, 1:100 solids to solution ratio.  In M.L. Wilson and S. Cortus (Eds.), Recommended methods of manure analysis (2nd ed., pp. 83–85).  Univ. of Minnesota Libraries Publishing.
Calcium Carbonate Equivalence (CCE) Acid neutralizing capacity Hicks, K., Hoerner, & Spargo, J.T. (2022). Calcium carbonate equivalence (CCE).  In M.L. Wilson and S. Cortus (Eds.), Recommended methods of manure analysis (2nd ed., pp. 87–90).  Univ. of Minnesota Libraries Publishing.

Ag Analytical Services Lab


720 Tower Rd
University Park, PA 16802

Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Ag Analytical Services Lab


720 Tower Rd
University Park, PA 16802

Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM