
The water-energy-food (WEF) nexus is an integrative framework for novel research to address complex challenges of sustainable and equitable resource management, economic development, and climate resilience. WEF also presents opportunities for societal and environmental stewardship by local Pennsylvania communities, state and national policymakers, and global consensus leaders (especially via our Americas and Africa partnerships).

To effectively develop and apply WEF research for impact, graduate students must be trained in transdisciplinary collaboration and engagement. This SNIP team will recruit and provide a cohort of five PhD students with transdisciplinary training and cross-departmental mentorship to advance research and enhance impact in sustainable irrigation sourcing and treatment; urban-rural land use, water quality, and energy; WEF nexus of cacao production systems; WEF sustainability of indoor urban agriculture; and WEF drivers of agricultural sustainability. Cohort students, supported by College of Agricultural Sciences faculty mentors and research and community partners across Penn State, Pennsylvania, Latin America, Africa, and Asia, will receive and help shape cohort building activities, training in WEF-related analysis and tools, development of skills for successful transdisciplinary research including a unique transdisciplinary research landscape seminar, development of people and project management skills including mentoring of undergraduate students, development of grantsmanship and science communication skills, and professional development.

For more information

Christopher Scott
Goddard Chair and Professor
Department of Ecosystem Science and Management

Office for Research and Graduate Education


217 Agricultural Administration Building
University Park, PA 16802-2600