Manages the primary extension customer support center and the spotted lanternfly call center, handling registrations, inquiries, issue resolution, publication inventory, and more.

The Customer Service unit consists of two teams responsible for delivering responsive and effective assistance to customers. One team is dedicated to and fully funded by Penn State Extension; this group is responsible for the main extension customer support center and processes registrations, addresses inquiries, resolves issues, and fosters positive interactions to enhance overall customer satisfaction and loyalty. The other team is focused on the college’s spotted lanternfly mission and assists customers with questions, concerns, and spotted lanternfly reporting submissions.

Team Responsibilities

  • Foster positive interactions and enhance overall satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Handle inbound customer calls for general extension customer support center and spotted lanternfly support center.
  • Process phone calls for registrations and other select purchase activities.
  • Respond to customer email and web form inquiries.
  • Assist with basic questions and call-routing to program teams and county offices.
  • Manage warehouse, fulfillment, and distribution operations.
  • Maintain publication reprint and revision process.
  • Report unique data collection, such as spotted lanternfly sightings.

Team Skills

  • Product/service knowledge
  • Problem-solving
  • Conflict resolution
  • Data entry system/technology expertise

Customer Service Team

  • Customer Service Lead
  • Part-Time Customer Service Representative
  • Customer Service Representative
  • Customer Service Representative
  • Spotted Lanternfly Call Center Team Lead
  • Part-Time Customer Service Representative