The hybrid seed corn plot permits exhibitors to show the performance of selected hybrids under central Pennsylvania conditions. Hybrid corn seedsmen not interested in a field plot may choose to exhibit in an exhibits tent or on an outdoor lot without a corn plot.
Lot Layout
Each hybrid seed corn plot area will be 50 x 100 foot. A 50 x 50 foot grass sod area will be located adjacent to the "planting plot," i.e., two blocks of 18 rows x 20 feet long, or a total of 36 plot rows. A 10-foot spray row should be left in the middle of the corn plot (perpendicular to the corn rows) to improve insect control. If this spray row is not provided, APD personnel will not rundown growing corn stalks to apply a pesticide.
- All plots may be planted by the exhibitor at our notification, around May 1st (Dependent on Weather Conditions). Plots may be thinned at your earliest convenience. For irrigation purposes, make sure corn is planted in the marked corn planter rows. If not, replanting may be mandated by APD management.
- The management of Penn State's Ag Progress Days, only, will be responsible for the location of plot area, seedbed preparation, providing a complete and uniform fertility treatment, chemical weed and insect control programs, side dressing, and irrigation. Treatments will be supplied upon request and/or as needed.
- Exhibitor plot assignment shall be made by random selection by the management of APD.
- Exhibitors are NOT TO USE soil amendments in the plots, such as sawdust, shavings or mulch, and NOT to apply additional chemicals nor commercial fertilizers. Any company that adds additional fertilizer, soil amendments, etc. to their plot area will forfeit their exhibitor fee; the corn demo plot will be destroyed, and their right to exhibit will be revoked for three years. Carpets, tarps or plastics are to be used IN AISLES ONLY. Hand hoeing to remove weeds, thinning, border trimming, hand cultivating, stone removal, and tidy plot area care during the growing period is permitted and encouraged. Prior to the event and at "tear down" time, use the large dumpster (E. 5th and Main Sts.) and not the 55 gallon trash barrels (blue & white) for wooden and steel stakes, rocks, corn stalks, grass clippings, plastic bags, cardboard, etc.
- APD management will try to eliminate wildlife damage to corn plants grown in the exhibitors' seed corn plot area
Registered exhibitors must notify our office at, if you would like to be considered for hosting a corn plot or demonstration plot at Ag Progress Days show.
Corn Plots are displayed on East 5th and 6th Streets on the Interactive Map or you can download the PDF of the area after April 4.
Soybean Display
A plot is being offered to exhibitors that have corn plots. The site will be visible from Rt. 45, just east of the show site. Exhibitors are encouraged to place yard signs adjacent to their plots.
- $50 entry fee for approximately planting 4-30" rows for viewing during the show.
- Contact APD Office (814-865-2081) or Jesse Darlington Show Mgr. (814-865-3056)
PDF document, 524.6 KB
2025 Event Information
August 12, Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
August 13, Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
August 14, Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Russell E. Larson Agricultural Research Center
2710 W. Pine Grove Road
Pennsylvania Furnace, PA 16865
Social Media
2025 Event Information
August 12, Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
August 13, Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
August 14, Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Russell E. Larson Agricultural Research Center
2710 W. Pine Grove Road
Pennsylvania Furnace, PA 16865