Policies and guidelines provide a consistent framework for the academic and business operations of the college.
For more information about Ag Progress Days.
Helpful venue information, policies, services and location of information booth, first aid, disability services, ATM and rest areas.
Parking and accessibility information for the Ag Progress Days Show is provided in this section. Parking is free!
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A listing of local hotels, bed and breakfasts, and campgrounds is provided for reference. For a more expansive listing of lodging and local attractions, please visit the Happy Valley Adventures Bureau website (https://happyvalley.com) to plan your trip.
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The Ag Progress Days brochure are available for your reference and sharing.
The 2025 Show Maps and Floor Plans are showing companies and locations of exhibitors as they register and confirm their booth for 2025. Visit the Interactive Area Map to locate and search for companies exhibiting in 2025 for most up to date information as new exhibitors register. Easy steps to map their location on the grounds for your visit. You will find buildings from the drop down menu or the click thru option on the outdoor area map. Printable PDF versions of the building floorplans will be available in July when all assignments are finalized.
The American National United Farm Family Learning Center, a central building off Main St. and E. 9th, that allows for addition presentations during the show. Visit with Penn State Extension educators who will present topics on Solar Energy, Cover Crops and Farmland Raptors. Possible invited speaker on various business development topics: Climate-Smart Practices in Agriculture and Risk Management for Farmers.
Visit a variety of exhibits and demonstrations on how best to manage our natural resources and wildlife. Specialists from Penn State and other organizations will answer your crop production, weed identification, and biofuel questions.
Penn State's Equine Science program features many events, exhibits, and demonstration. Visit the exhibitors at the Equine Building and watch exciting horse demonstrations in the Main Horse Arena daily (see Animal listings in the Events Calendar)
Penn State Extension Master Gardeners and experts from Penn State Cooperative Extension and the departments of horticulture, plant pathology and entomology give advice and help you solve your plant and pest problems.
Discover the teaching, research, and extension presence behind the Animal Science and Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences programs.
Visitors to the Rural Health and Safety Tent - located at Demo Alley and W. 6th Street, can participate in FREE health screenings, interactive activities, gather health and wellness information, and learn about farming with a disability or health condition. FREE health screenings may include carotid artery, vision, thyroid, stroke, blood sugar, blood pressure, colo-rectal, and hepatitis C. Visit AgrAbility, PA to learn about assistive technology, modifications and resources to support farming careers. PA Office of Rural Health Worker Protections Standard program may offer two courses daily awarding 1 core credit per talk at W906 Meeting Room, on the grounds.
Each year the Agricultural Safety and Health program highlights a safety topic important to the everyday lives of farm families. Join us to learn about the hazards of all-terrain vehicles, farm equipment, and training in use of personal protective equipment. An agricultural rescue demonstration will take place to help prepare first responders. Penn State Puller's may show their 1/4 scale tractor build. The Farm Safety Demonstration Area (SD) will also be used by commercial drone companies to demonstrate the safe use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV).
Emily Stapleton, a first-year agricultural and biorenewable systems management major in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences, is working toward a career in sustainable food production. At Penn State, she’s found a place to pursue her academic interests and love of competitive cycling.
In the next Virtual Speaker Series from the Penn State Alumni Association, David Hughes, Huck Chair in Global Food Security at Penn State, will discuss PlantVillage, an AI-enabled "land grant in a phone" that uses data sharing to help smallholder farmers across Africa, Asia and the Americas adapt to climate change. This free event will be held on Zoom from noon to 1 p.m. on Jan. 21. Registration is open now.
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In today’s busy society, it can be a challenge to find time to spend with family and friends. This year the Family Room houses Food, Families and Communities (FFC) and Pesticide Education exhibits for Healthy Living. It offers a variety of interactive displays that will get you thinking about the overall health and wellness of yourself and your family. Welcoming all age groups to benefit from the wealth of information!
4-H is a Community of Young People all across America who are learning leadership, civic engagement, and life skills. Pennsylvania 4-H serves youth from 5-18 years old. The main focus of 4-H is learning through hands-on as well as digital projects, alongside screened adult volunteers. 4-H Offers a Learning Experience for Everyone, from raising livestock to programming robots. The programs delivered through Penn State Extension with County Educators providing aces to learning and fun in our communities.
Join water experts from Penn State's Extension Water Resources Program in the J.D Harrington Building (Harrington Lane and East 5th St.) in booth J411 for learning more about keeping your well water safe for your family and livestock. Penn State Extension staff will guide a walking tour daily at time to be determined, to see demonstration wellheads.
Find out where is it now and what can be done to curtail the Spotted Lanternfly invasion and what is the latest updates on Pennsylvania's native bee populations community research project.
Log in to discover jobs and internships posted daily. Recent postings include AgroParisTech, the Penn State Arboretum, the VectorEd Network, and more!
Talk with Penn State Faculty and Educators about the wide variety of career opportunities available in veterinary medicine and animal agriculture! Faculty, Extension educators, and graduate students will be on hand to discuss animal focused jobs with parents and kids!
Explore how scientists are working to understand, decode, and help conserve the crucial biodiversity on which we depend.
Learn from Penn State students, faculty, staff, scientists, and extension educators who are are on hand to answer questions and provide information on a variety of topics important to your community and the future of agriculture.
Information Technologies
401 Ag Administration BuildingState College, PA 16802
- Email agcompsupport@psu.edu
- Office 814-865-1229
- Fax 814-863-2662
Information Technologies
401 Ag Administration BuildingState College, PA 16802
- Email agcompsupport@psu.edu
- Office 814-865-1229
- Fax 814-863-2662