The 2025 Show Maps and Floor Plans are showing companies and locations of exhibitors as they register and confirm their booth for 2025. Visit the Interactive Area Map to locate and search for companies exhibiting in 2025 for most up to date information as new exhibitors register. Easy steps to map their location on the grounds for your visit. You will find buildings from the drop down menu or the click thru option on the outdoor area map. Printable PDF versions of the building floorplans will be available in July when all assignments are finalized.

Map and Booth Label Reference Guide

Exhibitors now have specific booth numbers, assigning them to their location to connect with our new exhibitor map and registration system.

Booth labels identify the building, tent, or area with the first one or two letters coded for name of a location. See Locations Abbreviation Key below.

Indoor exhibits located in the building or tent are numbers from the entrance (oriented toward Main Street), beginning with the hundred number indicating rows 1 thru 5, with the high numbered booth typically on the southern side of the exhibit tent or building.

Outdoor exhibit booth labels use the first letter or letters identify if they are located East (E) or West (W) of Main Street or on Main St. (M). In addition, the border streets of Demo Alley (DA) and Harrington Lane (H) as noted on the map. The first one or two numbers identify the street on which they are located, streets 1 thru 13. Typically the exhibitor booth space numbers on the north side of the street are even, and those on the south side are odd.

New Training Area is on West 9th street in the W906 building location on the outdoor map.

Location Abbreviation Key
Abbreviation Area Location Exhibitor spaces are assigned in these locations
A Horizon Farm Credit Building Main and W. 6th St. Yes
AGR Agrability/Health Screening Services Tent Demo Alley Yes
AM PA One Stop/Ag Map Tent Harrington Lane 
AT Antique Tractor Display Main and E. 5th St.
C College Exhibits Building Main and W. 10th St. Yes
CT College Exhibits Building Theater Main and W. 10th St.
CC Penn State Cover Crops and Soybean Demo Harrington Lane and E. 5th St.
CEA Conservation Exhibit Area Harrington Lane Yes
CM Corn or Sunflower Maze Harrington Lane and E. 5th St.
CS Ag Pavilion (Courtesy Golf Cart Services) Main & W. 11th St.
D Dairy and Livestock Tent # 1 W. 12th St. Yes
EB Equine Exhibit Building W. 13th and Arena Yes
EC Everett Cash Mutual Building Main and W. 6th St. Yes
ED Equipment Demonstration Areas See Equip. Demo Map
F Family Bldg.- Farm, Family, & Health; Pesticide Education; Cooking Demonstrations W. 9th St. and Main Yes
FF American National United Learning Center Bldg E. 9th St. and Main
G Exhibit Building # 2 E. 5th St. Yes
HS Rural Health and Safety Tent Demo Alley and W. 6th Yes
J Joseph D. Harrington Building Harrington Lane Yes
L Dairy and Livestock Tent # 2 W. 13th St. Yes
MH Main Horse Arena Main St. and W. 13th St.
P Pasto Museum Main St. and E. 9th St.
PDA Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Exhibit Building W. 10th St. Yes
PFB Pennsylvania Farm Bureau Exhibit Building E. 5th St. Yes
RB Red Barn Annex, Presentation Area (upper/lower rooms) Main St.
S Special Events Building Main St.
SC Shaver's Creek Tent Main & W. 8th St.
SD Ag Safety Demonstration Area Demo Alley
T Tours (Registration at the Red Corn Crib) Main and E. 11th St.
V Vegetable Tent and Display Garden Demo Alley and W. 9th St. Yes
Y Youth Building and 4 H Programs W. 8th St. Yes
YG Yard and Garden Area W. 11th St. Yes

Buildings and Tents

The 2024 Show Maps and Floor Plans are posted here in a PDF format, showing companies and locations registered before July 10, 2024. NOTE: Please visit the Interactive Area Map to locate and search for companies exhibiting in 2025 for most up to date information as new exhibitors register. Easy steps to map their location on the grounds for your visit. You will find buildings from the drop down menu or the click thru option on the outdoor area map.

2025 Event Information


August 12, Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
August 13, Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
August 14, Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


Russell E. Larson Agricultural Research Center
2710 W. Pine Grove Road
Pennsylvania Furnace, PA 16865


Happy Valley Adventure Bureau

Farm Show Council