Parking and accessibility information for the Ag Progress Days Show is provided in this section. Parking is free!


Parking is free at Ag Progress Days. The grass-covered fields adjacent to the show are utilized for parking at this event. Please adhere to instructions of the parking attendants or security personnel. Please do not block roads or walkways.

  • Traffic on Route 45 traveling westbound from State College will enter at Gate J and park in the East parking areas.

  • Traffic traveling eastbound from Water Street should enter at Gate M and park in the West parking areas.

  • No vehicle traffic will be permitted within the main exhibit grounds during show hours.
  • Official and Guest permits should enter at Gate J and will be directed to the South and East parking areas closest to the Red Barn.
  • Exhibitor Parking permits will park in East and West parking areas close to the grounds and are restricted for Exhibitor parking permits until 9:00 a.m. each show day. All exhibitor vehicles making deliveries must be removed from the main show grounds prior to the show opening.

  • Equine Parking permits should park in the South parking area closest to the Main Horse Arena.

Accessibility of the Grounds

The show grounds are expansive with uneven terrain to traverse east to west on the gravel roads across the site. Main Street is paved, but on a significant incline to walk from north to south, providing access to most exhibit buildings and service facilities.

  • Individuals with cars displaying the PA State or APD Handicap permits will be directed to the handicap-accessible parking spaces located in the southeast corner of the show grounds, adjacent to the Special Events Building. Special request for an Ag Progress Days HC permit is available from the Office, 814-865-2081, on a first-come basis for any other qualifying situations.

  • For accessibility around the show grounds by individuals with medical concerns or disabilities, it is permitted to bring your own golf carts as mobility devices (please register them at the Information Booth). You can rent them from local providers (Jake's Carts 717-899-6699). A pre-reservation is required 3 weeks in advance. There are no golf cart rental companies located on the grounds for onsite requests.

  • The Ag College hosts a courtesy golf cart service at the Alumni Pavilion beside the Special Events Building, behind the Headquarters (white farmhouse). Partial sponsorship is from Lancaster Farming and other sponsors. Carts are available on a first-come, first-serve basis for two hours of use for applicants with a disability and companion (as our inventory permits). There are no reserved carts prior to your arrival onsite for this free courtesy service.

  • T&B Medical (814-466-8736) are on the grounds providing rental scooters, allowing individuals access around the grounds and inside buildings. Pre-registration suggested by calling their office in advance.

Research Tours

Bus tours require riders disembark and may require access to sites via uneven paths or grass areas, so please confirm with tour staff before your go! 

Also you may consider another viewing option of tour sites, accessible from the website on the Virtual Research Tours.

2025 Event Information


August 12, Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
August 13, Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
August 14, Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


Russell E. Larson Agricultural Research Center
2710 W. Pine Grove Road
Pennsylvania Furnace, PA 16865


Happy Valley Adventure Bureau

Farm Show Council