Posted: October 10, 2019
HORT499H - (2.5)- Tuesday evenings 5-7 pm & HORT 499H(.5)- May 11-21st travel to Ireland
This program is for students who want to learn about the relationship between Old World crops (crops that were grown in Europe, Asia and Africa or those parts of the world known to Europeans before 1492) and New World crops (crops that were native to North and South America before 1492) and their impact on civilizations. The course will highlight the role of the Irish potato in the Great Famine (also called the Irish Potato famine) that struck Ireland during 1845 to 1852 and the resulting loss of population to Ireland and the wave of Irish immigrants to the US. We will travel to Ireland during Maymester to visit important locations associated with the Famine, other cultural sites, and observe current agricultural industries and potato production in that country.
Students need to enroll in the spring semester-based course and the Maymester travel component of the course. Note while the course has a HORT prefix and Honors designation this does not preclude you from taking it if you are not a “plant" major or Schreyer student.
Please contact Dr. Dennis Decoteau – or Dr. Tracy Hoover – by October 21st if you have any questions.