The Summer 2025 submission period will open on January 1st.

Create innovative research, develop a proposal for your own research project.

The College of Ag Sciences Undergraduate Research Award is designed to support original undergraduate research projects that are student-driven. Students enrolled full-time in the College of Agricultural Sciences grow by leading a research project from design to exhibition.

Funds for the Ag Sciences Undergraduate Research Award program are provided jointly by the Office for Undergraduate Education, the Office for Research and Graduate Education, generous endowments, and the academic departments.

Award Cycles and Timeline

Academic Year Award ($3000)

  • August 1: Submission period opens
    Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, reviewed for eligibility, and scored for overall quality
  • March 31: Submission period closes
    (or when program funds have been exhausted, whichever comes first)
  • May 31: Deadline to complete projects and spend awarded dollars

Summer Award ($4000)

  • January 1: Submission period opens
  • March 31: Submission period closes
    Following the deadline, applications are reviewed for eligibility and scored competitively. Applicants are notified with outcomes as quickly as possible, within weeks of the submission deadline. Awardees may begin charging wage hours to the project immediately upon completion of HR hiring processes.
  • August 31: Deadline to complete projects and spend awarded dollars

I'm interested. How does it work?

Step 1: Identify a faculty mentor to serve as your research project supervisor. The supervisor's academic unit is your host department.

Step 2: Author and submit your research project proposal.

Step 3: If awarded, you will be hired in a part-time wage role within your host department. Your funds will be received as hourly wages.

Step 4: Present your completed research at an exhibition or conference.

Application and Details

Information for Students
Information for Faculty Supervisors
College of Ag Sciences Undergraduate Research Proposal Forms