Posted: August 13, 2018
Greetings to all new undergraduate students in the College of Agricultural Sciences at University Park! You are cordially invited to join a group of fellow “new students” and meet with me – Dr. Tracy Hoover, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education – in a welcome and get acquainted session.
The "Meet the Dean & Getting Acquainted" sessions are held in my office in the Undergraduate Education Suite (101 Ag Administration Building). Informal one hour sessions with a small group of students are available. Based on comments from previous participants, time spent in the sessions has been positive.
Below is a list of dates and times which are available for the Fall semester. To register for the meeting time of your choice, please contact Ruth Markle at or 814-865-7521 to sign up. I hope that all of you make the effort and take full advantage of this opportunity! Hope to see and meet you all soon.
Days and times for Fall Sessions are:
- Tuesday, September 11, 2018 - 9 to 10 a.m.
- Thursday, September 20, 2018 - 1 to 2 p.m.