Posted: March 23, 2021

Monday, March 29th 
Virtual Yoga and Meditation at 5:30 pm EDT
The Zoom link is     

Live Cooking Show at 7:00 pm EDT
The Zoom link is
HealthWorks peer educators will lead with step-by-step instructions so you can follow along and learn new cooking skills.  You can choose to watch and observe or cook along with us! Learn how to make vegan loaded sweet potato. View our cookbook to follow along. 

Tuesday, March 30th
Strategies to Manage Stress and Enhance Your Well-Being at 1:00 pm EDT
The Zoom link is   
We will be talking about all thing's college life, from conflict resolution to navigating COVID-19, to sleep. Drop-in groups are open to all enrolled students and operate on the assumption that attendance is self-initiated. To maintain confidentiality of all attendees, CAPS does not confirm attendance and will not allow screenshots of the group to be taken as a method for doing so.

Stress Mini Series at 7:00 pm EDT
The Zoom link is
Create an affirmation and action plan to reduce stress and participate in a loving kindness meditation

Wednesday, March 31st
Well-being Wednesday at 4:00 pm EDT
The zoom link is  or you can attend on-site at 229 HUB 
Creating Happiness.  

Virtual Yoga and Meditation at 5:30 pm EDT
The Zoom link is   

Healthworks Drop-In Sessions
Feeling disconnected from your friends? Want to talk to a peer? These short chats are designed to provide you with information about university and community resources. Connect with a Healthworks student at this link: at these times (EDT - Eastern Daylight Savings Time):

  • Monday 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday 10:00 a.m. -12:00 noon
  • Wednesday 3:00 -5:00 p.m.
  • Friday 12:00 noon - 2:00 p.m.

Learn more about these activities and more on our website.