Posted: August 11, 2021
Register now for an applied class on learning how to lead others through effective and efficient use of parliamentary procedure in meetings. Great for leaders (or future leaders) of organizations and clubs.
Two Fast Facts:
- According to Forbes, there are approximately 55 million meetings happening daily, and at least half of them are a waste of time, not achieving their intended objectives.
- Inefficient meetings cost businesses a projected total of $541 billion in resources last year. A study by Doodle, the online scheduling service, analyzed data from 19 million meetings and interviewed 6,500 professionals across the US, UK, Germany, and Switzerland. Doodle found that the majority of the meetings observed were poorly organized and therefore not only a waste of time, but also a waste of money and resources
AEE 216: Practical Parliamentary Procedure (#30538) is not a discipline-specific course; this is a practical leader course. The course is for 3 academic credits and will meet from 12:05pm to 1:20pm on Tuesdays & Thursdays.
“It is difficult to find another branch of knowledge where a small amount of study produces such great results in increased efficiency in a country where the people rule, as in parliamentary law.” -- General Henry M. Robert
Course Modules include:
- Module 1: Historical Development of Parliamentary Procedure, Deliberative Assemblies & Their Rules
- Module 2: Conduct of Meetings
- Module 3: Motions –Transacting Business
- Module 4: Facilitating organizational leadership – Nominations, elections, and officer duties.
- Module 5: Committees- Helping organizations achieve their aspirations.
- Module 6: Parliamentary Procedure in Society
Dr. Daniel D. Foster (; @FosterDanielD),
Professionally Registered Parliamentarian (PRP), National Association of Parliamentarians
Certified Parliamentarian (CP), American Institute of Parliamentarians
Professionally Accredited Parliamentarian (PAP), Society of Agricultural Education Parliamentarians