Posted: March 20, 2018
Spanish for students in the field of the Agricultural Sciences. In 2014, 43.4 percent of workers in farming, fishing and forestry were Hispanic or Latino (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Spanish4Ag is a three course language series that provides students with the qualifications needed to succeed in an agricultural community with a large and growing Spanish speaking workforce.
If you have never been exposed to Spanish or had 1 year of Spanish in High School:
Span 105 is an introductory Spanish course that focuses on beginning level general and Agriculture specific vocabulary building, along with present and future tenses, specifically designed to provide students with basic knowledge of Spanish that will allow them to describe animals, plants, ecosystems and even their own needs and thoughts. Students will be ready to hold a simple conversation in Spanish at the end of this course. T & Th - 9:05 to 10:20 am - Fall & Spring semesters (4 credits)
If you took two years of Spanish in High School:
- Span 106 is an intermediate Spanish course that focuses on Agriculture specific vocabulary while exploring other verb tenses such as simple past, future and formal commands. At this point, students begin to feel very confident and comfortable to narrating their daily routine, past actions, and future plans and, and are also able to give commands to peers or workers in Spanish. Their level of verbal communication exponentially grows during this course. T & Th - 10:35 to 11:50 am - Fall & Spring semesters (4 credits)
If you took three years of Spanish in High School:
- Span 197 explores real agricultural operations around campus and at near by destinations while focusing on grammar development. Using technology, 360° videos and virtual reality, students learn hands-on about farming tools and agricultural processes in Spanish. At the conclusion of this course, students should have reached a level of proficiency that enables them to flourish during an international experience. Spanish immersion opportunities, study abroad programs, and international internships are available to students who are ready to take the next step in mastering Spanish language. T & Th - 1:35 to 2:50 pm - Fall semester (3 credits)