Posted: January 13, 2023

Are you considering farming (in one of its many forms) as a career option? Researchers in the department of Agricultural Economics, Sociology and Education (AESE) seek your participation in a scientific study.

Perhaps you come from a family farm and might return there, or maybe farming is new to you and you’d like to pursue the idea of urban farming. Your voice is needed.

What you will be doing?
Researchers conducting this study want to listen to your life story (~ 45 minutes)

Examples of questions that might be addressed include:

How are today’s farmers visually represented in digital media?
Why do you consider farming as a “career option”?
Is it a good time to be a farmer?

Meeting location
Online & PSU University Park Campus

Contact Information

To participate or learn more, please contact:

Dr. İlkay Unay-Gailhard
The Pennsylvania State University (PSU)
UNESCO Community, Leadership, and Youth Development
Phone: 582-203-8701