Posted: January 24, 2019

Global Environmental Brigades will be partnering with Global Business Brigades to go on an agribusiness focused trip to Panama from May 6th - May 12th.

Interested in studying abroad, but don't have space in your schedule? We will be volunteering in local communities by creating a business plan that aligns with the community's agricultural goals, and providing workshops (saving, budgeting, loans, etc.). No prior business or agricultural experience is required. Students will also learn about the local culture and will have an opportunity to spend time getting to know the families in the partnering community. You can access the application here. Application deadline is February 4, 2019.

Next meeting will be February 3, 2019 at 2pm in 258 Willard. If you have any questions about the trip regarding anything like funding, please contact: Elise Elizondo (Trip Leader, Environmental Chair/President) at or Emma Lee (President) .

Submitted by Elise Elizondo (