Posted: February 14, 2019

The College of Agricultural Sciences spring 2019 commencement ceremony will be at the Bryce Jordan Center on Sunday, May 5, at 3:30 p.m.

Graduates should arrive between 2:30-3:00 p.m. and enter the BJC at Gate B.

No tickets are required for your guests to attend the commencement ceremony.

Graduates must be in academic regalia (cap and gown) or the dress uniform of one of the U.S. Armed Forces to take part in the ceremony and bring their name card with them to cross the stage (distributed in April).

For more information, you can go to our Current Student Website: and the Penn State Commencement website at:

A graduation packet with detailed information (and your name card) will be distributed to all graduates in April.

Please watch your Penn State email for an announcement about this.