Posted: January 5, 2018
The Arboretum at Penn State is returning native wildflowers to Hartley Wood! Give us the gift of your time and physical effort to make a difference!
Work may include planting native plants, removing invasive plants, and/or general trail maintenance.
Work sessions will be held 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. on dates listed below.
Saturday, January 20, 27
Saturday, February 3, 10, 24
Saturday, March 17, 24, 31
Saturday, April 7, 14, 21
Maximum 25 volunteers per session
Alternative dates and times may be available by appointment
Colin Grube
Corner of Park Ave. and BiglerRd.
University Park PA 16802