A captioned photo of the EFSNE team at its annual team meetings.
September 2015, Baltimore, MD
Front row, from left to right: Zach Conrad, Kristen Devlin, Rachel Samuels, Christian Peters, Heather Manzo Mikulas, Clare Hinrichs, Carol Giesecke, Joyce Smith, David Marvel, Kate Clancy, Kathy Discner, Sarah Rocker, Kristen Park, Foudan Salem.
Rear row, from left to right: Tim Griffin, David Fleisher, Kathy Ruhf, Ashley McCarthy (in back), Nicole Tichenor, Stephan Goetz, Anne Palmer, Jessi Lyons, Patrick Canning, Samuel Besong, Miguel Gómez, Houtian (Frank) Ge.
September 2014, Greenbelt, MD
Click on image for full-size view.
Row 1 (seated in front), from left to right: Stephan Goetz, Kate Clancy, Linda Berlin, Emily Piltch, and Kathy Ruhf.
Row 2, from left to right: Carol Geisecke, Anne Palmer, Clare Hinrichs, Kathy Dischner, Anita Bono, Kristen Devlin, Ashley McCarthy, Sarah Rocker, Kristyn Achilich, and Raychel Santo.
Row 3 (standing in rear), from left to right: Miguel Gomez, Christian Peters, Patrick Canning, Dave Fleisher, Alessandro Bonanno, John Eshleman, Rob King, Deno Di Ciantis, Ryan Lee, Zach Conrad, Michael Conard
Photo credit: Erica Hildabridle, Penn State