Syracuse, New York stands at the northeast corner of the Finger Lakes Region in New York State. It is the 5th most populated city in New York, with an estimated population of 145,170 in 2010. The population density of Syracuse is 5,797 people per square mile, with a land area of 25.6 square miles. The per capita income is $17,866 and 25.6% of families are below the poverty line. Unemployment has been recently estimated to be 9.5%.
For this particular project, the area of focus is on Syracuse's Near Westside. The Near Westside is bounded by the elevated rail line to the north, West Onondaga St. on the south, S. Geddes St on the west and Onondaga Creek on the east. The total population of this neighborhood is 7,030 (2010), with 2,424 households and a median household income of $14,474. It is considered the 9th poorest community in the United States. The neighborhood has a large Latino population, with many people speaking English as a second language or not at all. There is also a large African American population (approx. 25%).
In the neighborhood, there are numerous small convenience stores with a limited selection of mostly snack foods, soda and some prepared items and a fairly large, independent supermarket. The Jubilee Urban farm is located only a few blocks from this neighborhood. This is a project that CCE Onondaga has been very actively working with. They have a farmstand which sells fresh produce grown on their farm, as well as produce from other local farms, in season. The nearest farmer's market is at Clinton Square every Tuesday from mid-June to mid-October.
Our partners in the area include:
- St. Lucy's Food Pantry
- Onondaga County Cooperative Extension