Limestone recommendations are made based on the pH goal and the amount of exchangeable acidity measured by the Mehlich Buffer soil test.

The pH goal varies with the turf use and grass species. The pH goal is given on the individual sheet for each turf use listed in this handbook. If the soil pH is already at or above the pH goal, no limestone is recommended. If the soil pH is below the pH goal, look in the left hand column and find the acidity as reported on the bottom of the soil test report then go across to the appropriate "pH Goal" column to determine the limestone recommendation. The recommendations are given as pounds of calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE) per 1000 square feet. If the limestone to be used is significantly different from 100% CCE, the recommendation must be adjusted for this difference.

Table 1. Lime Recommendation (lb CCE/1000 square feet)
(meq/100 g)
pH Goal 7.0 pH Goal 6.5 pH Goal 6.0
2.0 50 50 50
2.6 70 50 50
3.3 70 50 50
3.9 90 70 50
4.6 110 70 50
5.2 110 90 50
5.8 140 90 50
6.5 160 110 70
7.1 160 110 90
7.8 180 140 90
8.4 180 140 110
9.0 210 160 110
9.7 230 180 140
10.3 230 180 140
11.0 250 210 160
11.6 280 210 160
12.3 280 230 180
12.9 300 250 180
13.5 320 250 210
14.2 320 280 210
14.8 340 280 230
15.5 370 300 230
16.1 370 320 250
16.8 390 320 250
17.4 390 340 280
18.0 410 340 280
18.7 440 370 300
19.3 440 390 300
20.0 460 390 320
20.6 480 410 320
21.2 480 410 340
21.9 510 460 340
22.5 530 460 370
23.2 530 460 370
23.8 550 480 390
24.5 570 480 390
25.1 570 510 410
25.7 600 530 410

Ag Analytical Services Lab


720 Tower Rd
University Park, PA 16802

Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Ag Analytical Services Lab


720 Tower Rd
University Park, PA 16802

Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM