How to report time off and time worked on Thanksgiving and Black Friday


Thanksgiving is one of the 14 official holidays observed by Penn State. Information pertaining to holidays and provisions for working during a holiday can be found in policy HR34, Employment Conditions for Staff Employees.

Staff (exempt or non-exempt):

  • If Thanksgiving falls on your normally scheduled day to work and you did not work (most common), Workday does not require you to submit the holiday and will instead pre-populate the holiday for you.
  • If you worked on this holiday, it is important to correctly report the hours worked to receive correct pay. How you enter your time will be dependent on whether the holiday is or is not a regularly scheduled work day. Please refer to the Knowledge Base article Entering Time Worked on a Holiday for instructions on correctly logging this time. Refer to policy HR34 to learn more about holiday compensatory time and the two comp time options.

If you are assigned to an HR105 reduced schedule, please refer to Entering Time for Holidays - HR 105 Reduced FTE Schedules.

If you are a part-time employee with HR05 eligibility, please refer to HR05 Eligibility.

Friday Following Thanksgiving

Effective January 1, 2018, the Friday following Thanksgiving is provided as paid time off under policy HR34, Employment Conditions for Staff Employees. Because the University is not open for normal business, the day is recorded as a Campus Closure day. Please note that this differs from years prior to 2018, when the campus closure for the Friday after Thanksgiving was treated the same as weather official campus closures, wherein compensatory time is not earned. Action is required by all staff and technical service employees for this day.

Staff (exempt and non-exempt), please refer to Official Campus Closure: Friday after Thanksgiving.

If you are assigned to an HR105 reduced schedule, please refer to Official Campus Closure job aid.

If you are a part-time employee with HR05 eligibility, please refer to HR05 Eligibility.

Extension County based staff follow the University campus closures around the holidays. This includes the Friday after Thanksgiving.

As a Reminder

Part-time "Earned Time" employees who qualified for HR05 Eligibility shall receive pay for holidays and/or campus closure days that fall on a day the employee is regularly scheduled to work.

For more detailed holiday and campus closure policy information, visit HR 34: Employment Conditions for Staff Employees and HR 105:Reduced FTE Schedules.

Penn State Extension should refer to the Penn State Extension Weather Notifications for County-based staff and closures due to weather.