Hiring Full-Time Employees (Non-Academic)

Initiate the job posting. Conduct the search. Hire the successful candidate.

Hiring Full-Time Employees (Academic)

The College of Agricultural Sciences has enacted a specific protocol for hiring faculty and postdoctoral scholars.

Hiring Part-Time Employees (Non-Extension)

Begin the search process, help candidates apply, and initiate the hire.

Hiring Part-Time Employees (Extension)

Penn State Extension has a large population of wage employees and is considered a "decentralized wage unit." As such, the college will continue to provide wage onboarding within extension rather than sending them to Shared Services.

Search Committee Training and Resources

To receive access to applications, cover letters, and resumes in Workday, employees must first review the College of Agricultural Sciences Search Committee Training.


PDF document, 242.0 KB


Word 2007 document, 20.2 KB

Search Committee Training Presentation.workday recruiting update_July2021.pptx

PowerPoint 2007 presentation, 1.8 MB

Search Committee Training Presentation.Sept2021.pptx

PowerPoint 2007 presentation, 1.8 MB

RTF_Co-Based Educator or Program Assistant Position.pdf

PDF document, 347.2 KB

RTF_Co-Based Educator or Program Assistant Position.pdf

PDF document, 395.3 KB

Hiring Procedures for Postdoctoral Appointments-4.2024.docx

Word 2007 document, 53.2 KB

Hiring Procedures for Postdoctoral Appointments.pdf

PDF document, 151.9 KB

RTF Extension Full Time Fillable Form.pdf

PDF document, 185.3 KB