Information on how to report time for official campus closures (such as weather days) and early dismissals
All employees should refer to the Official Campus Closure job aid.
Please note:
- Non-essential employees who do not work in essential services and are not required by their supervisor to work during the closure will not earn equivalent time off if they choose to work during the campus closure.
- Part-time "Earned Time" employees who qualified for HR05 Eligibility shall receive pay for campus closure days that fall on a day the employee is regularly scheduled to work.
- The status of an employee on a regularly scheduled day off, layoff, or leave of absence without pay does not change because there is an official campus closure. However, an employee who had requested to use vacation, personal holiday, or sick leave time shall not have such time charged for the period of the employee's regular work time encompassed by an official campus closure. Please refer to HRG10: "Handling Weather Day Absences"for more details.
- Penn State Extension should refer to Penn State Extension Weather Notifications for County-based staff closures due to weather.