List of approved temp agencies and billable rates
Below are the approved temp agencies that you may work with if you need to hire a temporary employee. Please provide the temp agency, of your choice, with the duties that you need someone to perform, the number of hours needed/week, etc. They will review their list of potential employees and let you know if they have someone that can be placed in your work unit.
The University has agreements with the approved agencies to complete background checks on any employee that will be working for us. The agency will bill PSU directly for the cost of the background check and will bill your department directly for the hours the individual worked.
Also, below, you will find the billable rates to give you an idea of what the cost will be for the type of services you are requesting.
Please note: If you are looking for someone to work outside of the State College area, you may work with an agency of your choice. If you choose to do so, please work with the Penn State Risk Management Office to establish a contract with the vendor you chose.
PDF document, 297.2 KB
To be used by those in the State College area.
PDF document, 511.7 KB
Rates for the approved temp agencies.