Learn the background knowledge and the steps you need to successfully manage stormwater on your property.
If you are simply looking for a way to help protect or improve your watershed or you are doing a small home improvement project that creates a new impervious area and you need to manage the stormwater that is generated*, this guide is for you. It will help you better understand:
- what is stormwater, why stormwater runoff can be a problem, and what you can do about it
- how much stormwater runoff is generated by impervious areas on your property
- how stormwater flows across and leaves your property
- how you can reduce the amount of stormwater runoff leaving your property
This guide will help you create your own stormwater management plan and select simple stormwater solutions to be implemented on your property.
* Check with your local municipality to find out more about what permits may be required for any building projects.
The Homeowner's Guide to Stormwater website allows you to create your own stormwater management plan online.
Download the guide (PDF) or for information on how to receive a copy of The Homeowner's Guide to Stormwater, contact Kristen Kyler at klk343@psu.edu or at 717-948-6609.
Below are topics included in the Homeowner's Guide and videos on each topic.
Welcome to the Homeowner's Guide to Stormwater!

An explanation with video illustration of stormwater runoff.

Three steps to get your stormwater management map started.

An overview of the six best management practices that are discussed in the Homeowner's Guide to Stormwater, and factors that may help you decide which ones are appropriate for your property.

Once you have your plan drawn, and your best management practices chosen, you are ready to start implementing them!

Ten lawn care practices offered by the Pennsylvania Landscape and Nursery Association.

There are many people we wish to thank for helping to make this guide and video series possible!