Posted: March 24, 2022
Penn State Masking Protocol Updates
Beginning Wednesday, March 23, face masks will be optional in all indoor spaces, except in areas where the law requires them to be worn. Academic advisers and other employees at Penn State who work in their own individual offices may request that visitors wear masks while in their private offices, and faculty may request that their students wear masks during classes. We ask that community members cooperate respectfully with these requests.
Please see Penn State News for more information on the updated masking protocols.
Penn State COVID-19 Testing Protocol Updates
Starting March 26, Penn State will pause its required COVID-19 testing for students, faculty, and staff. Although required COVID-19 testing is being paused, testing will continue to be available to students who believe they may have been exposed to COVID-19, are identified as a close contact of someone who tested positive for COVID-19, or are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. Students who are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 should not go to classes or other activities and should seek out symptomatic testing through a University or local health care provider.
Please see Penn State News for more information on the updated testing protocols.