Posted: February 6, 2020

Last offered in Fall of 2018, INTAG 300 is being offered again. This course is focused on technical aspects of agriculture in the tropics.

Join Dr. Sjoerd Duiker from Penn State and Dr. Tom Gill from the University of Tennessee on a journey to learn what's different about tropical growing conditions, which crops and animals are common in the tropics, and how farmers combine different activities in farming systems.

The course includes a group project focused on a tropical region of your choice and the opportunity to grow your own tropical crop in the greenhouse.

It is followed by an optional travel component to Florida in January 2021 to visit ECHO's appropriate technologies for tropical smallholders and teach backyard vegetable production in a local outreach project among immigrant communities.

INTAG 300: Agricultural Productions and Farming Systems in the Tropics to be held on Tuesday and Thursday, 3:05-4:20 p.m. We will "Share the room via ZOOM' with University of Tennessee students.

Contact Sjoerd Duiker ( for more information.